Stabler family reunion

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Everyone was packed inside Elliots apartment, all 8 Carl and the boys who have spent their time as the "outsiders" playing video games on the couch with Eli

Elliots been cooking, Randal and Joe Jr have been micro managing  any chance they get. Though Elliots not listening, he only listens to his mom when she makes recipe change

Kathleen, Maureen, and Elizabeth huddled in the corner by the back door talking, whispering, and annoying the hell of Elliot

Elliot turned around from the stove and pount at the back door "out, I cant handle the giggling"

"You're kicking us out for giggling?" Kathleen asked

"He's allergic happiness remember" Maureen joked

"Oh, damn you still got that?" Joe Jr said

Elliot ran his hands down his face "if anyone is not actively cooking, out of the house!...go to the back, set up, mingle out there"

Kathleen put her hands up "fine, fine"

"Yes sir" Elizabeth said sarcastically

Elliot sighed and turned back to the stove, the rest of the family migrated outside to a large fold up table

Bernie winked at the girls as she went over to Elliot "son"

"Mama" Elliot mumbled

"This is my goodbye dinner, I would-"

"Mama, no, this-this isn't a goodbye dinner, it's-"

Bernie rested her hand on his forearm gently "no yelling"

Elliot sighed "im sorry, i will calm down"

Bernie squeezed his arm softly "thats all I ask"

Elliot smiled, he kissed her head gently, she was doing really good today, she remembered Maureens boys, she remembered old stories

Bernie grabed a bag of chips from the island and headed outside

Elliot watched her immediately join Kathleen and the girls in their whispering  before he turned back to the stove

Kathleen leaned over the table and smiled "so, we think it would be fun to tease dad a little"

Bernie smiled "what'd you girls have in mind?"

"Uncle Joe said he's been dating some girl but it's super chill and I was thinking...what if, in front of dad, we tell him about Olivia, that we know someone who would be perfect for him" Kathleen said

"We just wanna watch dad squirm a little" Maureen said

Bernie shook her head and glanced down at the other end of the table, Elliot had brought out a salad and other appetizers

"We'll handle it, he can't get mad at us" Kathleen said

Bernie put her hands up "just tread lightly"

Maureen cleared her throat "hey, uncle joe"

"Yo!" Joe said and leaned forward

"So, we were talking and...we have a friend who you might wanna get to know" Kathleen said

Elliot passed down the plates

"You wanna set me up?" Joe asked

"She's super cool, smart" Maureen said

"Beautiful, funny.." Elizabeth said and glanced at Elliot who barely looked interested in the conversation

"Whats her name, give her my number" Joe said

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