im in love with her

577 7 4

What if we saw what happened when Elliot opened the door ?


"Elliot, are you gonna let me in?"

Elliots hesitation wildly noticeable. If he let's her in does that mean he closes the door on her, does that mean he moves on

He opened the door and honestly everything is a little blurry after that

Elliot invited Tia in, they sat at the island and had a drink...then another, and  another. They moved to couch and talked about their time in Rome, Kathy was brought up several times but Elliot kept deflecting, kept bringing up his time at svu instend. Finally Tia asked why

" were in Rome with us, you know the stories" Elliot said

Tia reached for the vodka bottle on the coffee table and holds up to him

"Be honest or drink...did you like working in Rome more than here ? At svu" Tia asked

Elliot thought about it, well, he pretended to think about it. There was no easier question than this

"No" he said quietly

Elliot took the bottle from her and took a swig, he closed his eyes as it heated his throat

"I said only take a drink if that was a lie" Tia said

Elliot leaned his head back against the couch for a moment, the amount he's drank is finally kicking in,  he's about 3 beers and 4 Vodka shots in, not counting the glasses of whisky before Tia even showed up...he should call it a night, he should tell her to leave, get her a cab. Just as he's about he felt her hand land on his thigh

"Elliot" Tia said quietly

Elliot sighed slowly "Tia I-" he said and stoped when he saw her hand moved up a little

Tia rested her elbow on the back of the couch. She leaned towards him "what do you want?" She asked as her scooted closer and her hand slid down to his inner thigh

The word came out quicker than he was planing, he had no time to stop and he's not even sure he wanted to

"Her" he said softly

Tias hand paused, she moved it off his thigh slowly "her...Kathy?" She asked

Elliot shook his head slowly as he stared Straight forward

Tia humed softly "who?" She asked scooting back from him, giving him space

Elliot let out a slow sigh "Olivia" he said and leaned his head back against the couch

"Who is Olivia?" Tia asked

Elliot took another swing from his bottle and shook his head "my old best offense" he said

Tia smiled and shruged "I've better ones too" she said "So you want her...why don't you have her?" She asked

Elliot pointed to himself "I messed things up...pretty bad" he said

Tia waited, she knew there was more, and she's already given up on anything happening between them tonight

"We were best friends, we were-.." Elliot started

He let out a quick breath 

"God she was everything to me, I would've done anything for her...still would" he said

Tia watched Elliot look up and shake his head

"god rest her soul. Kathy knew...she knew there was something there and she didnt say anything, not once did she ever tell me to get a new partner, to not talk to Olivia outside of work...even on late nights she never questioned it" Elliot said

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