"I'll put it out on the radio:

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This begins after Elliot tells Ayanna the brotherhood thinks he's head and she says she put it out on the radio

SVU PRECINCT// Olivia's office

Olivia glances up from her laptop for a moment as fin walked in then looked back down at her laptop "Fin if you're here to talk me into being friends with Barba again, I just saw him Forlini's, it wasnt a perfect conversation but I'm-" she said before caught a glimpse of his face

Fin stood there, physically stood, but mentally and emotionally he looked like he had been hit by a truck

Olivia slides her glasses off "what's wrong?" She asked

Fin holds his phone up, his hand shaking slightly "there was a- a shooting..in an abandon house..there was a body outside" he said as his voice went quiet

Olivia watches him, her mind going through everyone in her life, fin was standing in front of her, he wouldnt be telling her like this if it was his son or grandson, She just talked to Amanda, Joe was at his desk..Noah...Rafa..Elliot

Fin shook his head "it's Elliot, Liv" he said

Olivia stares at him, unable to move, her heart sinks, her body goes numb, theres a ringing in her ears, her reaction is almost the same as when Cragen had told her Elliot put his papers in all those years ago but times a million, she finally let out a breath she couldn't catch, she shook her head as the tears immediately formed and fell "no" she said

Fin watched as as she grabbed her phone with shaky hands "Liv, its on the scanner" he said fighting back his own tears

Olivia ignores him as she calls Elliots number, voice-mail, she drops the the phone on the desk and stands quickly but her legs wobbled slightly "no!" She yelled, scaring herself and Fin, she collapsed forward as she let the sobs out

Fin ignored the tone and went around the desk, he wraped his arms around quickly, and tightly, they didn't hug much, if at all but this time they needed to

Olivia cries in to his shoulders "no, no,no" she repeated

Fin closes his eyes as he held her, letting his own tears fall

Suddenly, an out of breath voice from behind her spoke

"Liv" Elliot said standing in the doorway of her office, clearly not dead

Olivia turns, tears still streaming, she gasps trying to catch her breath again as she steps towards her

Fin let's out a breath as he slid his hands on top of his head

"You're not dead?" Olivia whispered as she slid her hand on to the side of his neck, staring in to his eyes as if she's not sure he's even real "I called, you didn't answer" she added

Elliot pulls her hand off his neck softly and holds it

"I'm okay, it was the brotherhood, they found out, it got hairy but i had a vest on, we decided to let them think i died, that's why I'm here I had to tell you, Ayanna said she would wait but I got stuck in traffic a few blocks down so I just ran, i left my phone in-" Elliot said before Olivia cut him off

Olivia quickly wraped her arms around waist tightly "Stop talking" she said

Fin moved past Elliot patting him on the shoulder and giving him a nod as if to say come talk to me when you're done

Elliot slides his hands around Olivia "I'm sorry I scared you" he whispered

Olivia shakes her head "I love you" she said quickly

Elliot feels her relax in his arms, he closes his eyes, full processing what she said as he hugs her tighter "I love you too" he said

Olivia feels him start to pull from the hug, she grips the back of his jacket "no, don't let go, not yet" she said

Elliot rested his chin ontop of her head as he contuined to hold her "I'm not going anywhere" he said

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