Noah Porter Benson

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"Noah Porter Benson!" The name Elliot hears Fin saying as Noah ran into Olivia's office as they were finishing up their conversations

"Hi uncle Fin, Hi Elliot"

Elliot smiles but he's still focused on the "porter"

"Uncle Fin has a surprise for you on his desk" Olivia said

"Come on Kid" Fin said

Elliot watched Noah and Fin leave the office, he clears his throat shoving his hands in his pockets "I uh...can I ask you something?"

Olivia shrugs "sure?"

Elliot hesitates "Porter...I didnt think you and Dean-"

"Stop..stop Dean's not Noah's father" Olivia said

Elliot nods slowly "oh..I thought-"

"He-...I dont want to get into here with him right outside,but Noah's adopted, El..and definitely not Deans"

"I just figured...last guy i knew of was him, then I come back and you have a kid"

"keeping track of my love life?"

" just..curious"

Olivia smiles "of my love life?"

Ellipt scoffs lightly as he shakes his head, he looks out at Noah at Fins desk "your life in general"

Olivia glances out at Noah and sighs "Friday"



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