Trigger p2

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Because I can't leave well enough alone, here's a second part to Trigger

Mcgrath wanted Olivia to get checked out first but considering that all she did was stand and panic there wasn't really any point and Olivia wasn't going to waste another second not being with Noah. finally she and Elliot had gotten into his car and headed to Fin and Noah. she dried her eyes and rubed off as much mascara as she could from her cheek

She turns to Elliot, finally speaking "do I look like I've been crying? I don't want to freak him out the second he sees me" She asked

Elliot pulls up to the ice cream shop Fin had brought Noah to. He looks at Olivia and smiles "no you're..good" he wanted tell her she looked beautiful, in fact the drive over all he wanted was talk about their outwardly proclaim of love for each other, but now it feels weird, he knows he was being truthful, of course he loves her, but what if she only said it because she assumed she was about to die

Olivia sees Noah come out of the doors with Fin, she took a deep breath and got out of the car

Elliot watches for a moment from inside the car at Olivia wrapping her arms around Noah, he's reminded of the time she once told she was told she wasn't fit to be a parent, they were wrong.  He gets out of the car finally hearing Noah and Olivia's conversation

"What's going on? Why aren't you at work?" Noah asked and glanced at Elliot for a moment before looking back at his mom "are you okay?" He asked studying his moms face

Olivia smiles softly, she runs her thumb over his cheek softly  "im okay, just something..something scary happened at work today so I just decided to take off early" she said

Noah frowns as he wraps his arms her again "im sorry" he said

Olivia hugs back tigher

Elliot leans against a parking meter next to Fin "that was the scariest thing I've ever seen" he said quietly

Fin looks at him and chuckles softly "you went back?" He asked

"Of course I did..she was pissed too" Elliot said

Fin turns to face away Olivia but so Elliot could see him "if imma be honest,  this isnt the first time shes scared us like this but knowing at any second that little man could lose his mom without saying goodbye, this was worse...and it got me thinking" he said

Elliot glanced at him confused, both to what was the first time and what hes thinking

"You gotta stop beating around the bush with her, i mean, we all have to start to living like we gonna stand on a plate tomrrow, tell her how you feel" Fin said

Elliot looks back at Olivia "I did" he said quietly and shrugged "she did too..but it was the heat of the moment though Fin, as soon as she was off, she just wanted Noah, we haven't had time to talk or..really think about what we said" he added and looked at Fin

"Its a start" Fin said

Olivia's voice interrupts them "hey El" she said

Elliot puts his focus back on her immediately, what did she do that scared Fin before? He wondered

"You mind taking us home?" Olivia asked

Elliot nods "of course" he said

Fin motioned towards Olivia wrapping his arms around her

Olivia sighs as she hugs him back "this might be the first time we've ever hugged" she joked

Fin chuckles "given the reason...I hope it's the last" he said and pulled back "love you Liv" he added

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