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Olivia laid on the couch, heating pad on her stomach. she took a deep breath as she tried to relax when the front door opened. she forgot she called him, she glanced at Elliot and gave a forced small smile

Elliot waved slightly "hi," he said shutting the door behind him "sorry I took so long, did the pain stop? You sounded pretty rough on the phone?" He asked

Olivia shook her head "honestly...I think it did but I'm focusing on it too much to know the difference" she said and sighed "El, I shouldn't have called you, I'm sorry, I just-you can go home" she added

Elliot  shook his head "no, you were right to call. I didn't have any Advil, but I brought Tylenol though, but-" said and looked down at a small tub in his hands "can I try something different first?" He added

Olivia looked at him "what is that?" She asked

Elliot sat down on the side of the couch next to her legs "my mom makes it, she went through an essential oil phase a few years ago. it's meant to help with relaxing muscles and joints but maybe it'll help with this" he said

Olivia sighed "it's-it's not my muscles El, it's just nerve pain from the scars," she said and slid her hand over her stomach

Elliot shrugged "if you don't want to try we don't have to. But when you told me about this the other day, I told you I'm going be here for you, now, always. I  just want to help," he said

Olivia closed her eyes "okay" she said softly and moved the heating pad off her "I guess..since you've already seen them" she and pulled at her shirt 

Elliot helped her move her shirt up, his eyes scanned over the small scars, he had seen them when she first told him but it's still a shock "they um, have they faded at all?" he said

Olivia shrugged softly "Amanda gave me some scar cream she had when she was pregnant with the girls," she said and watched Elliots' hand hesitate over her skin

"Ca-can I?" Elliot asked

Olivia nodded. She gasped quietly when she felt Elliots' thumb slide across one of them

"Sorry, does that hurt?"  Elliot asked quickly

Olivia shook her head "just feels weird, scratchy" she said

Elliot held up the tub "wanna give it a try?" He asked

Olivia swallowed hard "is it okay if...if you do it?... I don't like touching them if I can help it at least," she said and watched him

Elliot nodded "yea-yeah, yeah of course," he said and dipped his fingers in the tub before he moved his hand over her stomach softly

Olivia closed her eyes "i-it Smells good" she said trying to focus on the smell and not the pain, or his hand on her body like this. It's one thing for him to know about the scars, it's another for him to touch them,  touch her in general, especially like this

Elliot rubbed her stomach with the most patience and care as if this was a normal thing for them "There's peppermint oil in it, our brains associate coolness with healing, so the peppermint  triggers our brains to know its working" Elliot said as he moved his hand against one of the bigger scars "what does it feel like? The pain" he asked

Olivia sighed "like a dull ache kinda, but its-its different than a tight muscle or even a scar from a cut, I can tell it's just my skin but it feels like it's my entire body," she said and closed her eyes as small tears escaped from her lashes

"A-am I hurting you?" Elliot asked and stopped moving his hand

Olivia shook her head and sniffled "no, it's just-...when you move over some of them, I-I can remember the pain of when it happened" she said and looked up at the ceiling "I'm okay, keep going" she added

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