I deserve it

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This is based on my theory that Casey will be back in episode 1 of season 24 and this is what I hope comes of that

Olivia sits at a bar, drink in hand, she stares at the ice cubes in the glass

"I think, you and Elliot need to see if there's something there or..move on"

Her therapists voice replayed in her head, the only thing that brought he rback to reality was the feeling of a hand on her shoulder, she looks up and smiles at the familiar face

"Hey" Casey said a she sat down next to her

"Hey, wow it's been a while. You look great" Olivia said as she motioned to the bartender for another drink for Casey

"Thank you, so do you. It has been a while and to be honest I was confused on why you called" Casey said

Olivia looks at her and sighs "I need your opinion on something, and I trust you the most" she said

Casey smiles "what's up?" She said taking a sip from her drink

Olivia turns on the stool to face Casey more, she leans forward "its about Elliot.." she said

Casey scrunches her eyebrows "what about him? Isn't he out of the country?" She asked

Olivia chuckles "no, not at all, he's uh..he's back, been back for a while now and we-" she said and stoped herself

Casey sits up straighter "oh my god, are you two..dating?" She asked

Olivia leans her head against her hand "no..but I think I want too" she said and closed her eyes

Casey gasps slightly "oh my god Olivia, I knew it, I always saw it" she said quickly and a little too loud for Olivia

"Shh, don't freak out yet, nothings happening" Olivia said as she looked around "but things have come up" she added

"Like what?" Casey asked

Olivia sighs "my therapy all but said I hold Elliot to higher standards and don't allow my relationships to grow because of him, and then my..friend, or whatever he is now, said I have an unconditional love for Elliot and.." she said and paused

Casey tilts her head "and what?" She asked

Olivia looks around for a second befire lowered ber voice "my friend Amanda said I should..call Elliot and get out of our systems, and honestly I keep thinking about it" she said

Casey smiles slowly "as in..sex?" She asked

Olivia nods before motioned towards the bartender for another drink "yes.." she said and shook her head at the thought

"do it" Casey said

Olivia looks at her, her eyes winded "seriously?" She asked

Casey smiles and shrugs

Olivia takes a sip from her new drink "if im being honest, I thought about it, way before this year, way before he left. so many times I thought, what if I just took the risk, he was going a divorce and yet I did nothing" she said and looked at Casey "but its not just those type of feelings, I-I love you, like truly..love him" she added

Casey nods "it's not just sex that you want" she said

Olivia shakes her head and smiles softly "no, I want his safety, I want his love...I want to be loved by him in all sense of the phrase. I mean, I deserve it" she said, she closes her eyes at the last part, she's never said it out loud before..she does deserve it

"Well, I still say go for it, I mean I assume his wife is out of the picture, otherwise you wouldn't be contemplating this" Casey said

Olivia takes another sip of her drink, she nods slowly at the mention of Kathy "yeah, that's another roadblock for me...Kathy's dead" she said

Casey let's out of a breath as she shakes her head "we have got to talk more Liv" she said and chuckles "wow" she added

Olivia looks down at her glass, still thinking about the conversation before

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