the spark

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This is a request from @ Here4TheEndgame on Twitter

Elliot and Olivia have now been together for 4 months. He had invited her and Noah over for Christmas...again, and because Noah's Christmas wish was to spend Christmas with her, she forced herself to turn her phone off, give the squad a full update on everything and leave work at 3:30pm. she was determined to give Noah a happy Christmas...but what she didn't expect was that this was going to be her favorite Christmas. 

Unfortunately that was 4 months ago, and as the quote goes "April showers bring may flowers" and its been a rough couple of weeks for the couple. it's been a game of phone tag, several un answered texts and it's been a lot of canceled date nights.  Not for the lack of trying but things come up when you're the captain of an entire unit or when you're a detective of a unit that's constantly putting you under investigation

[Olivia's apartment]

Olivia walked around her living picking up, she held her phone to ear with her shoulder as she fluffed the pillows waiting on the voice on the other end to speak

*you've reached Elliot Stabler, im not able to come to the phone right now, leave a message and I'll call you back*

Olivia sighed when she heard the beep

"Hey, its me again, I guess you're busy, I just wanted to call and let you know I have off today, it was a spur of the moment...honestly Fin made a comment about me dating the job and not you and I got pissy and, anyway, I miss you, call me when you can"

Olivia hung up and plopped down on the couch. She sat there for moment chewing on her bottom lip, "screw it" she said to herself. She grabed her phone and her keys and headed out the door


Olivia walked in, head held high, confidence sky rocking out of her. She made her way to Ayannas office where she saw Elliot and Ayanna talking inside. She waved and opened the door "hi, sorry for interrupting" she said

Elliot stood up and went into professional mode, he figured she's here for work considering the only people who they're together are their kids and Fin 

"Not all, what can I do for you Captain?" Ayanna asked

Olivia clears her throat "uh, I was wondering I could borrow your detective...just for the day, we're short staffed and could use his help"  she said and glanced at Elliot for a moment

Elliot winked quick causing Olivia to look back at Ayanna

Ayanna leans back in her chair "sure, whats the case?" She asked

Olivia hesitated, "there uh, there was a rape at Hudson" she said and montioned towards Elliot "Kathleen went to school there so I figured you might have some pull with some of the teachers" she added

Elliot nodded quick "Definitely, I still keep in touch with one of em" he added

Olivia squinted her eyes at him "mhm" she said and looked at Ayanna

Ayanna shurged "take him, but I'll need him back by 1,  we have Jet and Jamie tailing Robert Silas so hes on call for them" She said

Elliot nodded and motioned towards the door

Olivia headed out with him


"I got your voicemail by the way, sorry you got called in on your day off" Elliot smiled as he got in the car "whats the story with case?" He asked

Olivia tapped her fingers against the wheel before she looked at him "um, so...there is no case" she said

Elliots eyebrows flinched as his mouthed curled to a smile "what?" He asked

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