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TW: this is NOT a death fic but it is mentioned

The stinging sharp pain shot through Olivia's side within a second of her pulling her gun. She went swaying into the chairs and tables behind her as everything started to blur and deafen. For a split second, she hears screams from other diner customers followed by a deep voice pounding through her ears


Just as she hit the ground she heard the rattle of shots going off then everything moved in slow motion. She finally got enough air into her lungs as her voice cracked

"I'm hit"

Elliot had fallen to the ground just after she did, the bullet that struck her had just barely grazed his shoulder and knocked him back. He pulled himself up, turning in his knee as time started to move at a normal speed

Olivia was in full panic as she tried to slow down her breathing but all she could get out was  short labored breaths

Ayanna was with the shooter, Muncy and the fbi against assigned to the case were with the leftover customers who couldn't get out in time

Elliot was over top of Olivia, staring down in horror as his hands pressed into her side, now covered in her blood

Olivia groaned softly as her hand gripped his wrist "I-I can't- El" she panted

Elliot shook his head and  quickly said "It's gonna be fine, you're fine, you're okay"

Olivia knew it wasn't fine, the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes, everything told her it wasn't fine, she wasn't fine

"Ta-Take Noah, Please El" Olivia choked out "You-you got 5...wha-what's one more?"

Elliot shook his head "It's not gonna come to that, you're gonna see him grow,  have relationship problems, and get a girlfriend okay?"

Olivia swallowed hard as she squeezed his wrist "or boyfriend"

Elliot nodded softly "Yeah, whoever he wants. you're gonna see it all, you're gonna be there"

Olivia whimpered softly as she looked down at the blood pooling around her. she lifted her hand to see it covered in blood and she started to panic  "El-Elliot"

"Dont, dont look at it" Elliot said, he  pushed his hand against her side harder as he reached over and pulled a stack of napkins off a table nearby, before glancing at Ayanna now on her walkie calling for a bus

"I don't-I dont want to-to die" Olivia whined as she fought to keep her eyes open "no-not yet"

Elliot shook his head as he pushed the napkins against her "You're not gonna die, you hear me? Hey, You don’t get to die on me before I get the chance to love you, got it?"

Olivia squeezed his wrist, it was all she could do even though she wanted to day yes, agree, she wanted to tell him she was ready and that she was done wasting time because right now she was definitely regretting it

Elliot saw her fading, and he cupped her neck quickly "Hey, no, stay awake, god damnit Olivia come on" he shook her softly

Olivia opened her eyes briefly and barely

Elliot moved his fingers down her neck, "Olivia, you gotta breathe, you gotta stay awake, talk to me again" his hands shook as his brain finally registered the amount of blood on his hands, her blood. "Liv! Say something"

Olivia felt time slow down again, everything got blurry, she heard Elliot yelling at her to stay awake. she heard Ayanna say the ambulance was on its way. for a brief moment, though she didn't know how, she heard Noah, him laughing, giggling...and then silence

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