a new DA in town

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Set 12 years after Elliot left, with no word

Olivia sits in her car with Fin outside a house, she watches it intensely before her phone rang, pulling her attention away, she answers her phone

"Rollins, tell me you got the warrent" Olivia said

"Yeah...the new DA is on his way, he wanted to be there...uh, is Fin with you? Tell him to check his texts" Rollins

Olivia looks at Fin "Rollins said check texts. Alright we'll be back soon, if this new DA knows what he's doing" she said

Fin looks at his phone scrolling through his texts "oh shit" he said quietly

Olivia glances at him as she hangs up with Rollins "what?" She asked

Fin looks at her "I..uh, nothing" he said as he got out of the car when a suv pulled up behind them

Olivia gets out as well, smoothing out her jacket as she looks up at the house, she hears Fin chuckle, she looks at him "what does this guy think he's doing? We need that warrant" she said and glanced at the dark window suv "what did Rollins text you about?" She asked

Fin nods towards the new DA getting out of his car "that" he said

Olivia looks over as she sees him getting out of the car, Elliot, bald, buff, in a three peice suit, warrant in hand "Elliot" she whispered

Elliot steps towards her "hey Fin...Liv" he said watching her, knowing every thought going through her head

Fin smiles "so..you put down the badge for a briefcase?" He asked

Elliot shrurgs "i couldn't take the job anymore..not since" he trails off and looks at Olivia, he smiles slowly

Olivias heart flutters when he smiles, the same smile she remembered, then the rage set in, she ripped the warrant out of his hands "took you long enough to get here, he could have raped and killed someone else in that time" she snapped and headed for the house

Elliot looks at Fin "I deserve that" he said

Fin looks at Elliot "you got a lot more coming im sure" He said

"Fin, let's go!" Olivia yelled heading up to the house


Olivia walks through the precinct with Fin behind her pulling the prep to the integration room...Elliot following behind

Rollins watches as Elliot follows Olivia to her office

"No" Olivia said as she stops at her doorframe, "no Elliot.." she said

Elliot chuckles "I'm not a puppy" he said

Olivia stares at him, Not in the mood for his charm

Elliots smiles fades "please Liv" he said quietly

Olivia sighs as she moves out of the way he can come in "fin probably needs you to watch the integration" she said

Elliot walks in before she could change her mind "I'll talk to him in a bit. I need to talk to you first" he said

Olivia shuts the door "i mean, what the hell Elliot" she said as she closed her blinds before she went over to her desk, leaning back against it "I dont know even where to start" she said

Elliot looks around the office and smiles "Captain Benson...I knew you could do it" he said

Olivia crosses her arms "you left...for 12 years" she said and shruged "and now you're lawyer ?" She added

Elliot takes a deep breath "after Jenna..I couldn't think straight, I couldn't-I killed her Liv, I killed a kid.. and then I started to spiral, I just ran" he said

Olivia scoffs lightly "yeah, you ran...without a phone? Without email?" She asked

"I couldn't see you, talk to you..i wanted to, more than anything, Liv I swear" Elliot said

"So why didn't you?" Olivia asked

Elliot stares at her for a moment, he thought of a million different responses, because I loved you, because I shot that girl to save you, because everyday for 12 years I thought about you "I just...couldn't" he said

Olivia sighs slowly "I missed you" she said quietly

Elliot smiles "I missed you too" he said

Olivia smiles slightly "I also hated you for a little bit" she said

Elliot chuckles "im..im sure you did" he said

"A lawyer ?" Olivia asked, she chuckles and motioned towards him "you're back in suits even" she added

Elliot smiles "I still wanted to help, I still wanted to get justice for victims...I knew if I did this then I would get to see you again" he said

Olivia rolls her eyes at the urge to say what she wants to say, she pushes off from the desk "just..gimme a hug" she said holding her arms out

Elliot immediately wraps his arms around her waist, he sighs slowly as he feels her hand slide the down the back of his neck "I really am sorry for how I left" he quietly

Olivia closes her eyes "We'll talk about it all later" she said as she squeezed him tighter "just don't go again" she said quietly

Elliot slid his hand up and down her back softly before he pulled back just enough to look at her "Liv...I need you to know one thing, we-Kathy and I got divorced" he said

Olivia knows why he needed her to know, she pulls him back to her and nods slowly "okay...we'll talk about it later" she said


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