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"I'm fine, go, please" 

Four words, repeated about twelve times before he finally listened to her and left the hospital. He'd be right back, he told her, repeatedly

Elliot got back to the FBI building, he found his and Olivia's bags they had put aside. he thought about just grabbing his sweats and a T-shirt from his own bag but he didn't know if she'd be comfortable with that, wearing his clothes. Besides, she told him to grab the black joggers and black t-shirt from her suitcase

So he did.  he quickly but carefully unzipped Olivia's suitcase and threw back the lid when he saw bras...bras were packed on top, two plain ones, both black with grey lacing, and suddenly Elliots a nervous kid seeing a real bra and not one in a magazine or on tv. He tries to best to be respectful and move them off using the shirts below them but one tumbles out and folds open on the floor

"Seriously?" He asked himself as he continued to dig and pull out the joggers. he grabbed the t-shirt and set everything aside before he quickly grabbed the bra that fell out and tried to put it back the way it was, folded inward, but that didn't work so he shoved it in the corner of the suitcase and zipped it up

He vowed to never speak of this to Olivia, he knows she'll make fun of him, he knows it sounds ridiculous, or like he's scared of a bra at 50 years old, which he's not

Unfortunately for him, Olivia noticed the disheveled clothes and asked him about it on the plane ride home, when he can't run away from her

"So um...did you touch my bras?" Olivia asked

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