episode 12 promo/2

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Based on the new episode 12 promo

She tries to walk away, bolt, flee the situation. Unfortunately she's in her own house, so she only gets as far the end of the island before Elliot cut her off and  in of her, his feet planted firm but his hands are reaching towards her hips

"Please don't run," Elliot said softly as his hands gripped her waist "I know I'm the last person who gets to say that, but please Liv dont kick me out" 

Olivia slides her hands up his arms to his shoulders softly "I can't-" she said and slid her hands to his neck "I can't do it again"

Olivia slid her hand to the side of his neck as she shakes her head

Elliot presses his forehead against hers, leaning towards her "do what?" He asked

Olivia felt the tears hit her cheek faster "say goodbye to you, I can't keep doing this" she said

Elliot shakes his head "I'm not leaving, not again, I promise" he said as he gripped her hoodie and pulled her closer against him, there's no gap this time, they're bodies are as close as they've ever been

Olivia slides her arms around his neck as she buries her face into his shoulder

Elliot hugged her back tightly, his hands move up and down her back softly. He takes a deep breath against her hair

"im sorry i wasn't here when I should've been. But I'm here now, you can trust me now" he said

Olivia shakes her head "prove it" she mumbled into his neck

Elliot closed his eyes and nodded "I will, Liv, say the word and I'll say do anything you ask" he said

Olivia stepped back, she slid her sleeve under her eyes "will you uh, will stay here tonight?, Noah's still with his-his friend and I dont wanna be alone"

Elliot pokes a strand of hair behind her ear "of course" he said

Alternatively/less realistic

Olivia slid her hand from his shoulders to his neck "kiss me" she whispered

Elliot presses his forehead against hers, leaning towards her "I can't" He said

Olivia felt the tears hit her cheek faster as she moved her hands down his cheek "you're seriously rejecting me?" She asked

Elliot felt her breath his lips, he closed his eyes slowly "never, Liv" he said and gripped her hoodie pulling her against him "You-we've been drinking, Livia believe me I want to kiss you, you have no idea how bad i wanna kiss you, but not like this..  I don't want you to regret it"

"I wont" Olivia whispered as she turned her head and kissed cheek softly "I'm tipsy at best but I want this" she kissed his cheek again, slower this time

Elliot let out a breath as closed his eyes as he felt her kiss the corner of his mouth. He slipped his hands under the hem of her hoodie and gripped her hips tightly

Olivia hesitated over his lips for a second "dont let me do all the work" she pressed her lips against his softly

Elliot all but melted into her. His lips parted immediately for her. He felt her skate tounge across his lip and he immediately pressed against her. he walked her back till she hit her fridge

Olivia squeezed the back of his neck as she moaned softly into his mouth. He tastes like cinnamon, she thought

Elliot pressed his hips against her, he can't stop kissing her, it's like his brain is telling him to slow this down but his lips won't listen. She tastes like cinnamon, he thought

Olivia turned her head to the side suddenly so she could catch her breath

Elliot panted down her neck "I'm sorry" he whispered as he felt Olivia's chest rise and fall against his chest

"Dont be, im not done" Olivia said breathily before she looked back at him, her lips are red and puffy, her face is flushed and her stomcah is in knots "I want more"

The corners of Elliots mouth curled slowly into a smile "Liv" he said softly

Olivia closed her eyes "you wanna stop" she said quietly

Elliot shook his head "not at all, not this" he said and put his hands on her neck "I just want to give us the space to do this right, i wanted to kiss you, check, but anything more....I need us both to be a hundred percent sober, positive that's what we want"

Olivia smirked as she glanced down between them for a moment "you sure you wanna stop?" She asked

Elliot smiled "no, but I think we have too" he said

Olivia leaned her head back against the fridge "I appreciate you wanting to do this right, respectfully, it means a lot" she said and took a deep breath "but I want this El, I want this tipsy and I'm gonna want this sober"

Elliot chuckled softly "I dont doubt that. I want it too" he said and smiled "but I need us to be clear minded"

Olivia nodded "okay" she said as she slid her hands down his chest "we'll wait"

Elliot stepped back from her only for her to grip his bicep

"Uh huh, I said we'd wait, I never said I'd stop this" Olivia said and pulled him back

Elliot laughed as wrapped his arms around her lower back

Olivia looked up at him "you taste like cinnamon by the way" she said

Elliot smiled as he leaned towards her "so do you" he said and kissed her slowly

Olivia kissed him back, it wasn't sloppy this time, it was slow, passionate, full of love and heat.  she wanted to taste every part of his mouth, savor everything in this moment. She's completely consumed by the way his tounge moves and completely overwhelmed by how normal this all feels and how happy this is all making her. For once in her life she's letting herself have what she deserves

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