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Elliot didn't mean to make Olivia upset. He just commented on how the precinct setup doesn't feel like it used too...and then she snapped

"Look out there Elliot"

Elliot glances out her office windows at the squad room

"What do you see?"

Elliot shrugged "the squad room"

"Do you know how many times we remodeled after you left?"

Elliot stayed staring out her window

Olivia snapped her fingers to get his attention

Elliot stayed quiet as he shoved his hands in his pockets

"Do you know how many times I had to remodel it after I became captain because everytime I looked out this god damn window, the only thing I could see was you and I on the floor starting at each one minute and the next you were gone"

Elliot nodded softly, he realized why she was offended, of course the last place he was in reminded her of him

"After you left...after you left it took me so long to even look at your desk, to walk past it and not feel my heart sink. To not look at my new partner sitting at your desk and tell him to get up"

Elliot goes to speak

"So yeah, it doesn't feel like the same precinct...because stopped feeling like that the second you disappeared"

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