there was a moment

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This is set in season 12/13. Based on Luke and Lorelai in season 4 episode 22

Elliot never left, instead he ended up divorcing Kathy and staying best friends with Olivia, over the last few weeks/months he's been dropping hints about potential feelings, giving her flowers, getting dinner after work, stopping by her apartment to fix the things the landlord wont, he's even gone to talk to Dr. hendrix about his feeling for Olivia

Elliot walked through the precinct halls just as Brian was walking towards him "Cassidy? Hey man, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Hey, just stoped by see Liv, it's great to see you man, I was just telling her we gotta go on a double with you and Kathy but she gold me about the divorce, im so sorry" Brian said

Elliot tilts his head  "uh..yeah thanks. Um, you're dati-you're dating Liv?" He asked

"Oh yeah, going on 6 months" Brian said

"You're now? Oh my-my mistake, I thought you two had-" Elliot said trying to keep his cool

"Well. We hit a rough patch, but we're working through it" Brian said

Elliot nods slowly, he clasped his hands together behind him to meet himself for doing something to stupid "well that's..thats good" he said

"When it's right, it's right...and Olivia and I are right" Brian said

Elliot clenched his jaw "that's great, I'm very happy for you.." he said

"Thanks man, listen, I gotta head out but it was great seeing you" Brian said

Elliot waved him off "yeah, you too.." he said and paused as Brian left. He took a deep breath and headed further in to the precinct where Olivia was sat at her desk by herself

Olivia looks up and smiles "Hey, I thought I was the only one here" Olivia said looking up from her computer

"No, not the last one" Elliot mumbled as he leaned against the counter by the door

"You okay? I heard Munch going on a conspiracy rant earlier" Olivia asked  as she crossed her arms on her desk leaning forward

Elliot takes a deep breath "actually im feeling pretty stupid right now" he said

Olivia smiles "why?" She asked

"I'm not a mysterious man am I?" Elliot asked as his tone got a little more forced

Olivia smile fades slowly "well your choice in music is a little bit of a head scratcher" she said

"I think I've been very very clear with my intentions " Elliot said not getting a little more agitated

"Your?-" Olivia said before Elliot cut her off

"You know the late dinners, the handy work, the flowers" Elliot said said quickly

Olivia chuckles softly "Elliot" she said

Elliot pushes himself off the counter "you knew what I was doing" he said

Olivia stutters softly "well, no, not officially" she said as she watched him

"Not a officially, oh come on, I mean I didn't have a reference but other that than that" Elliot said

"Well you didn't say anything official" Olivia said

"What was I suppose to say? I did things, I let my actions speak, that's what your suppose to do, your suppose to let your actions speak, that's the romantic way to do this damn it" Elliot said in almost a rambling sort of way

Olivia tries to hide her smile "okay, you're right. I'm sorry" she said

"And You went along with all of it, so-so naturally I assumed we were on the page and then your boyfriend show ups here" Elliot said

Olivia is immediately taken aback by the term boyfriend "whoa, whoa what boyfriend you talking about Cassidy?" She asked

"No Munch, yes Cassidy" Elliot said sarcastically

"You guys talked? What did he say?" Olivia asked

"He said you two were together. I mean, I was standing there, listening to him talk on and on about how it's right, your right, he's right, and the whole time I'm thinking what the hell have I been doing sll this for she's taken !" Elliot said, he's had enough he heads out the double doors to the hall

Olivia immediately gets up "I'm not taken" she yells as she goes over him "we broke up, months ago" she said

"Well he doesn't know that" Elliot snapped

"Well, just calm down" Olivia said, her mind is spinning a millon miles a second

"No I dont want to calm down, I did everything right, I did exactly what Hendrix said" Elliot said

"Hendrix?" Olivia asked

"I thought we on track and now you're standing there looking at me like im crazy" Elliot said swinging his arms around

"I'm not looking at you like you're crazy" Olivia said

"You know the last time I bought flowers for someone ? Never that's when, very easy step to remember" Elliot said as his voice started to get louder

"I loved the flowers!" Olivia said trying to figure out what's going on

"And then just brought you home from dinner the other night, there was a moment...i-..I thought there was a moment" Elliot said

"There was !" Olivia yelled and sighs "there was a moment" she said

They both sigh again, stareing at each other, both of them a little confused on how they got here, finally

Elliots steps forwards towards her

Olivia steps back "what are you doing?" She asked

Elliot stares at her "would you just stand still" he said as he gripped her waist pulling her against him, his lips hit her and almost immediately her arms around him

Olivia slides her hand down his chest softly just she pulls back away from him, not making eye contact with him

Elliot sighs slowly

Olivia steps forward finally looking up at him

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked quickly

"Will you just stand still?" Olivia said sliding her hands on to his cheek, pressing her lips against his again

Elliot holds on to her waist as he kissed her back, they both grip and pull at each as if they're trying to get even closer


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