Is he yours ?

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What if Elliot didnt leave. What if Olivia still adopts Noah and one day Kathy sees those blue eyes and accuses Elliot of being unfaithful

I wanted Noah younger so I had to move dates around so This is set durring the time of 2016,  the adoption happened in the show that was 2015 so in this scenario Noah is 4 and she had adopted him a few months after the Jenna shooting...

Kathy steps up into the line Starbucks, all she wants is a Carmel iced coffee, what she gets is a life changing scene in front of her

Olivia had walked in, Noah next to her holding her hand. She glances up and sees Kathy "Kathy, hi" she said

Kathy smiles back "hi" she said and glanced down at the tiny toddler hiding behind olivias leg "wow, is-is this your son? so sorry went have been by to meet him" She added

Olivia smiles down at Noah "yes, this is Noah, we're playing hooky today, dont tell my captain" she said and picked Noah up on her hip "can you say hi baby" she whispered

"Hi, im Noah, im 4" Noah mumbles

Kathy felt heart drop, she noticed the light and blue eyes immediately, he looks Elliot, spitting imainge almost

Olivia chuckles "that's what's he's stuck on lately, I taught him our address and he started telling strangers so at least this one a little safer" she said and kissed his cheek

Kathy can't stop staring at his eyes, "4, wow, h-hes beautiful, Olivia.." she said and glanced at Olivia just as a barista calls for the next customer

Olivia smiles as she set Noah back down

Kathy went up to the counter to order, suddenly not wanting her drink anymore, and she kept stop thinking  about those blue eyes. Behind her, she listens to their conversation, he sounds like Dickie used to at that age

Elliot got home late, not unusual but definitely not the best time. He walked in, the house was quiet, no kids, no tv on, but there was a thumping upstairs. He followed to find Kathy throwing a suit case on the bed

"Hey..what's going on? Where are the kids?" Elliot asked as his eyes landed on to the suitcase "going somewhere?" He joked

Kathy ignores him as she throws clothes in the suitcase

Elliot steps towards her "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" He asked

Kathy turns and smacks his her hand across his face, she isn't even phased by it, it's not like she did it out of her own control, she wanted to smack him

Elliot steps back as his own hand flies to his cheek  "what the hell Kathy" he said

Kathy fights as hard as she can to keep the tears down, she will not cry, she will not break "you son of a bitch, you've lied to me, you've lied to our kids, you've lied to yourself " she said and shook her head "and im done, i took the kids to my moms, i want a divorce and i want the papers signed immediately. Im done" she added going back to the suit case

"What did I do?,  kathy, what did i do ?" Elliot asked as he frantically watched her pack her bag grabing more clothes from the closet

Kathy could hear he was genuinely confused, she ignored it. Kept packing, the tears started to build

Elliot grabs her wrists lightly to stop her "Hey, please talk to me" he said

Kathy takes a deep breath "..I ran into Olivia this morning, at the coffee shop" she said

Elliot shurgs "okay?" He asked

Kathy watches him "with her son..her 4 year old son with light hair and blue fucking eyes Elliot" she said and shoved him back as she lost control of her tears that started to fall

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