fortune cookie

791 16 2

Based on the fortune cookie scene from the pilot

Olivia hands a plate down to Noah sitting on the couch

"Plates? We usually just eat out of the cartons" Noah said taking the plate

Olivia smiles "that's when it's just us, I have a friend coming over to join us" she she said moving things off the coffee table "he'll be here soon, he's the one picking up the food" she added

Noah looks up at her "Elliot?" He asked

Olivia glances up as there's a knock at the door "Uh, no not Elliot" she said and went to the door, shaking the thought of him out of her head, it's been two weeks since practically everyone in her life brought him up, two weeks since Amanda told her to get out of her system with him.

She opens the door and looks up at the very tall, very lanky man standing in front of her holding Chinese restaurant bags, she smiles as she tilts her head to the side "John Munch" she said

John smiles back at his old friend "Olivia Benson" he said

Olivia moves out of the way for him to come in "been a while" she said as she and John get to the living room "Noah, you remmeber John?"

John smiles are Noah "you were small the last time I seen you, probably dont remember an old geezer like me"

Noah smiles "Munch" he said

Olivia chuckles as she looks up at John "you're pretty memorable John" she said

The three contuine their dinner, swapping stories, both old and from their time since they last saw each other, John asks a few questionable questions to Noah involving politics that Olivia defects quickly

Olivia leans back against the front of the couch, her and John are sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, Noah's left to do homework in his room leaving Olivia and John time to catch up personally

"Well, it's good your back in therapy" John said

Olivia squints "really? That's what you got from that? Just that I'm back in therapy?" She asked

John shrugs "you want relationship advice from me? Married a million times Munch?" He asked

Olivia smiles "I want your opinion on El and I" she said

John leans forward picking up a fortune cookie "here, whatever this says, that's my answer" he said tossing the cookie to her

Olivia catches it, she takes a deep breath and cracks it open and begins to read "you are admirable, for you remin firm even when you're troubled by personal relationships" she chuckles as she tosses the paper towards him

John nods "there ya go, the paper has spoken" he said

Olivia smiles "always so wise John" she said

John smiles "well, how's this..I watched you guys for years Olivia, it was always the two of you, even durring your worse times, it was always the two of you, I saw the unspoken love you two had for each other, we all did. So If you're asking for my opinion, I say go after that man" he said

Olivia raises her eyebrows "that so?"

"Besides, Don and I aren't getting any younger, and we'd like to dance with you at the wedding" John joked

Olivia laughs

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