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It's been a couple of days since the attack, Olivia's given up on trying to cover the bruises, it hurts to touch even with the bruises almost healed. She's gotten used to the stares and the quiet whispers, she knows they're not negative, she knows everyone is worried about her, and rightfully so, She's been lying the last few days, when people ask her how she's been she replies with "im okay" but she's not.

Since the attack she threw herself into the Bronx case, told everyone she needed to handle that first, but in reality she hasn't slept since that night in the chair, shotgun in hand. Every time she closes her eyes she sees a different outcome, her getting shot, Noah seeing her dead in the middle of the street, Or worse, they go after him in front of her.

Aside from that, her nightmares of the whole attack have evolved and it's brought back old memories. last night she woke up gasping at the image of William Lewis holding the machete, standing over her "lights out Sarg- oh I'm sorry, Captain Benson" he said to her.

Sleep was the last on her priorities, she needed to take down Oscar papa and that's where her focus was, for a while, until a heated conversion in her office called her out.

"We'll get em Liv, you gotta take a break, you're snapping at everyone, Muncy gave a simple suggestion and you freaked out," Fin said

"She wanted to go undercover with Joe, that's ridiculous, I'm not sending UCs into this and I'm definitely not sending my newbies," Olivia said

"It was just a suggestion," Fin said

"He's out there Fin! Lewis is out there and he's not gonna stop until we put his ass behind bars!" Olivia yelled. She said it so fast that she didn't even catch it after

Fin pulled his head back "you mean Oscar" he said cautiously

Olivia exhaled slowly as she ran her hand over her face "what?" She asked

"You said Lewis was out there, we're trying to find Oscar," Fin said

Olivia lips parted slightly "tha-no, that's not what I said..I said Osacr," she said

Fin took a breath "Liv, Lewis is dea-" he said before she cut him off

"he's dead, I know, Fin" Olivia said as she slid her elbows onto her desk, resting her head in her hands "I just misspoke, that's all," she said

Fin cleared his throat "Olivia, I think you should go home for a bit, take a break," he said

Olivia shook her head "I'm okay," she said and stood up "I'll apologize to Muncy," she added

Fin stepped towards her desk "if you don't go home for at least an hour, I'm going to call Mcgrath and tell him you're not fit to work today" he said calmly

Oliva cocked her head back "seriously?" She asked

Fin put his hands up "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's safe for you right now, I think you're exhausted,'re fighting your trauma and you're pushing it down...go home, get some sleep" he said

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut slightly "I can't" she said

"Yes you can, we got it handled here," Fin said

Olivia hung her head "I can't sleep Fin," she whispered and looked up at him "every time I shut my eyes...I cant sleep..havent since the attack" she added

"Then go home and watch TV, read a book, call Noah" Fin said and shrugged "Call Elliot" he added

Olivia shook her head ignoring that last part "you have no authority, I can tell Mcgrath you're just pissy I won't promote you" she said

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