OC season 4/BTS pic

419 11 3

Based on a photo posted by Chris on 12/11/23, this kind of a two for one

Olivia was standing at his kitchen island,  the place was dark aside from the light coming from the back porch, she cupped his cheek and her thumb rubbed over the corner of his eye gently

"Its nothing, not a big deal" Elliot said breaking the silence, he had called her over, he was just now back in town, wanted to see her

"Yeah, well, you have been blinded before so forgive me for being a little worried" Olivia said dabbing a small cotton ball against the scratches and frowned when he flinched

Elliot chuckled softly "can't disagree there"

"So you gonna tell me what happened?" Olivia asked as she held up his hand that was red and bruised before she took a seat next to him at the island

Elliot shrugged "bar fight...not a big deal" he said sliding off the island and sat next to her

"Just decided after 7 months undercover. that you'd get a bar fight with a guy?" Olivia asked

Elliot rubbed his palm over his cheek, scratching at his beard "that was my-my older brother"

Olivia hummed softly "I've barely heard you mention your siblings, so that was Joseph?"

"And all his righteousness...yep" Elliot said and shook his head

Olivia nodded softly "you two don't get along"

"Never...he picked my dad's side in everything, even after everything with mom, dad cheating, her runing away from her own problems...he sided with him" Elliot said

"Now...I remember your mom saying you didn't come around her durring that time either" Olivia said

"Yeah...well, Joe wasn't the one getting the belt for mistake or the one who'dget a lectureghe second he even mention wanting to see mom. he could've stood up, he could've tried to help us...help me" Elliot said

Olivia shrugged "so why is he in town now?" She asked

"Hell if I know, probably assume mom's getting older, wants to...get in good for her will" Elliot said

Olivia gave him a look "so...you don't know why he's here, but you punched him? How did we get to that?"

Elliot leaned back in his chair "he was drunk off his ass, like usual, I stopped in there for a drink, ran into him it was a complete fluke. I tried to be the bigger man and have a conversation but...he's like dad in so many ways, once the cap is off the bottle there's no talking. He made a snide comment about Kathy, about me and the job... then he shoved me when I tried to get him to go home...I got pissed, he hit first though"

Olivia frowned "im sorry"

Elliot shrugged "im used to it, it did give me a reason to reach out to Jack, my younger brother"

Olivia shook her head "25 years of knowing you and this is the most I've heard about these mysterious Stabler men"

"You'd love Jack, he was a crazy kid, he idolized me, constantly wanting to be around me, at the time when we were younger I thought it was annoying...but-"

"Now you understand it" Olivia said

Elliot nodded "he's gonna come into town, we're gonna try to talk Joe..mend things maybe"

"That sounds nice, are you close with jack?" Olivia asked

Elliot shrugged "off and on, he didn't like me becoming a cop...probably because he's been arrested more times than I've  arrested people"

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