druken love

588 11 1

Olivia set her wine glass down against the bar, she was 3 glasses in with no end in sight so far

Elliot came up behind her "didn't think to find you here, Captain" he sat down on the stool next to her

Olivia looked up at him, slowly, and trying really hard to focus on one of the three semi blurry Elliots that sat next to her. She cleared her throat and said a very excitedable "hi!"

Elliots lips curled into smile as he noticed her glazed over eyes "wow, hi, you um, you having a good night?"

"Oh the best" Olivia said sarcastically she motioned for a refill on her wine "I ended up in a screaming match with Mgrath on my way out tonight"

"What about?" Elliot asked and motioned for beer to the bartender

Olivia sighed "long story, I don't want to get into it" she took a big sip of her wine

"No one came out here with you?" Elliot asked glacing around the bar as the bartender slid him a beer

"I didn't ask, texted Noah's sitter and came straight here" Olivia said and clinked her wine glass against his beer bottle "why are you here? Wait, how are you here? Last time we talked you said you were still working your serial...terrorist...something case"

Elliot smiled "domestic terrorist planing a second January 6th event" he said and shrugged  "and we closed the case early, after 3 months bunked together, Reyes, Jet and I,  we all just decided to give each other some space"

Olivia hummed softly "well...you wanna get drunk with me?...or catch up to me?"

Elliot chuckled, his smile slowly faded when he realized she wasn't joking "y-yeah sure"

The two drank, chit chated for a few hours, nothing serious, work, family. They had moved to quiet booth in the corner, dark, and away from everyone

Olivia slid her wine glass away from her, she was more than buzzed and feeling even more confident "you wanna amp this up a bit?"

Elliot smirked "What'd you have in mind?"

Olivia winked and slid out of the booth, she stumbled slightly and went over to the bar

Elliot watched her, his eyes moved down her back, down her legs, then back up again. he cleared his throat and adjusted his jeans when she turned around and caught him staring at her ass

Olivia stumbled slightly back into the booth with a tray of shot glasses "what do you say partner?" She handed him a glass

Elliot smirked and downed the shot, he shook his head and held in a cough the best he could

"Getting weak in your old age?" Olivia asked

Elliot pushed a glass towards her "your turn" he coughed softly

Olivia grabbed a glass and downed it, Straight face, no problem. She shrugged and scooted another glass towards him

Elliot shook his head "show off" he downed the shot she gave him and cleared his throat  "this is gonna hurt Tomrrow, isn't it?" 

"Here's hoping" Olivia said

_ _ _

Elliot slid out of the booth, stumbled to the bathroom  leaving Olivia by herself. She started people watching and locked her blurry focus on a couple at the end of the bar, they were leaned in close, whispering, giving small touches. She watched the woman kiss the man's neck and whisper again before they got up and walked out of the bar together. She misses that, that flirty stage, that stage where you can't keep your hands off each other,where every touch feels good. She hasn't had it since Ed, well, since Burton but she refuses to count that, it just one time anyway

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