im here

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Based on a photo from HeyMyFriendEO on Twitter

Warning: Lewis arc

She broke. after weeks, months, since the kidnapping she finally broke down. She was in the stairwell of the courthouse, minutes after hearing the guilty verdict and it was like floodgates opened

She cried so hard she didn't even hear the footsteps rushing up beneath her till they were right beside her

"Liv" his voice was calm, he was on the steps just below her to her right, he stepped up slowly, turning to her

Olivia kept her hands on her face, after what happened in the lake house, she couldn't let herself believe it was really his voice, she must be imaging it

Elliot kneeled in front of her slowly "Olivia" he spoke again, quieter this time.

Olivas froze, her entire body felt numb, she slowly moved her hands and saw his big bright blue eyes staring up at her

"I came as soon as I could," Elliot said, his hands shaking, he was briefed about what had happened over the phone yesterday when he finally got back to the city, he didn't believe it, not till Brian all but tried to fight him when he got the courthouse pleading to see her

Olivia let out a breathily "Elliot"

Elliot stepped up next to her, he slid his hand down the back of her head gently "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

Olivia broke down again

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