trust (part 2)

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I'm not ready for this" Olivia said as she leaned her head against the fridge

Elliot stood there, patient, still.  He didn't reach for her, he didn't argue. "Liv" he said quietly

Olivia sighed slowly "Elliot" said softly as she pressed her hands against the counter behind her

"You're not ready, I-I understand, I dont want to push" Elliot said as he scrunched his brows "im sorry" he added

Olivia sighed "can we just...go slow?" She asked

Elliot nods quickly "Liv whatever you want to do, we'll do...I'll do" he said as he motioned towards her  "just tell me what you need" He added quietly mirroring what she had asked him 2 years ago

Olivia closed her eyes as she let out a breath "just go" she whispered as she hung her head "go home" she added

Elliot felt his heart sink and shatter on the floor. He nodded softly before saying a quiet "okay"

Olivia sniffled as she looked up at him "thank you for bringing Noah home..making him dinner" she said

Elliot finally stepped back from her "of course. I'll uh- I will talk to you?...later?" he said

Olivia nodded as she squeezed the edge of the counter behind her to keep her from moving "yeah" she said

Elliot gave her a quick, sad, smile and turned to head out the door when he stoped himself "just one thing" he said and looked back at her

Olivia pressed her lips together as she squeezed the counter again

"If you can't sleep tonight...please call...or anytime...just call me" Elliot said

Olivia took a breath and nodded "okay" she said

Elliot turned and finally left the kitchen

Olivia closed her eyes when she heard the front door open, then the flood gates opened she heard it shut. She bent over and cried in her hands till she slid down to the floor and contuined to cry
_ _ _

Olivia walked into svu precinct, phone in hand, bag in the other, she looked and felt like shit, the last week with closing up the bx9 case has finally caught up to her, her back feels like that first night after the attack, her legs are sore again, the bruise is gone but it's still sore to touch

"Morning Liv" Fin said 

Olivia chuckled softly "is it morning if you don't actually go to sleep?" She asked and stopped at her office door
She sighed and looked at Fin, Muncy, and Joe "good morning.." she added

"Rough night?" Muncy asked

Olivia glanced at Muncy "always" she said and headed into her office

Fin got up slowly and headed in after her "need to talk?" He asked closing the door behind him

Olivia sighed as she rested her head in her heads "no" she said

Fin Sat down in the chairs across from her "if I was Amanda would you want to talk?" He asked

Olivia chuckled "maybe" she said

Fin leaned forward "is this about Stabler?" He asked

Olivia leaned back in her chair and groaned slowly "yes" she said

Fin shook his head "okay, I'm gonna tell you something I've never told anyone before" he said

Olivia motioned towards him

Fin hesitated for a moment "I've been going to therapy" he said

Olivia tilted her head "for-for work?" She asked

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