love of my life

891 8 3

Based on Amandas recent advice

Olivia leans her hip against the edge  of her kitchen counter, she holds a glass of wine in hand and her phone in the other, Her thumb hovering over Elliots name "do it" she said to herself.  A few seconds later she clicks his name and starts ringing, she takes a quick sip of her wine just before he answers

"Hey" Elliot said, slightly out of breath

Olivia frowns slightly "hey, did I catch you at a bad time?" She asked

"No not at all, I'm just leaving gym, what's up?" Elliot asked

Olivia tries to hide her smile at the thought of him in the gym, Sweaty, panting

"Liv?" Elliot said breaking her out of her imagination

"Uh," Olivia said and hesitanted

"Is everything okay?" Elliot asked

Olivia closes her eyes "I want to see you...I want to talk to you" she said quickly

Elliot pauses for a moment "" He asked

"Can you meet me somewhere?" Olivia asked

"Yeah sure, let me shower real quick" Elliot said

"I'll-I'll text you where" Olivia said

"Okay, you sure everything okay?" Elliot asked

Olivia nods "everything's fine..I'll see you in a bit" she said before she hung up, she immediately Google the closet the hotels around that weren't pay by the hour, she may be going for specific reasons but that doesnt mean they can't be in a nice place

//the Renaissance new york midtown hotel//

Olivia of course got there first, she paced the room wondering if this was a bad idea, he's now 5 minutes late, maybe he realized it was a hotel and caught on. She stands by the window looking out at the night view, if he doesn't show at least this isn't bad a place to be. She takes a deep breath and went back to pacing, maybe she call the front desk and ask for candles, do you light candles for something like this?

A few moments later a knock interrupts her thoughts, she shakes her hands to get the chills out of her body before she goes over to the door

Elliot looks up as the door opened "hey" he said a little confused on why he was there

Olivia move out of the way "hey, come on in" she said

Elliot walked in, expecting see a suit case, clothes, Noah even, something to tell him why she was there, but the room was clean, as if she just got there "what's going on?" He asked

Olivia locks the door before she heads towards him "um..give me a second, i don't know how to word this" she said nervously as she motioned to the small couch by the window

Elliot sits down, watching her as she sits next to him "where's Noah? Is he okay?" He asked

Olivia chuckles softly "yes he's okay, he's at a sleep over at Amandas" she said

Elliot nods "okay?" He said

Olivia takes a deep breath " should know im in therapy, and have been for a while" she said hoping this is a good place to start

"Thats..that's good, I'm also in therapy" Elliot said

Olivia smiles slightly, "oh..thats good too, im actually surpised" she said

Elliot reaches over and grabs her hand "Liv, what's going on?" He asked

Olivia stares at him, his eyes, his lips, she's hyper aware of his hand in her hand and even more aware that he smells so damn good right now "screw it..." she said softly and took a deep breath "I think we should have sex" she add quickly

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