long distance (needs to be touched)

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May 2023

They're both grown adults who have spent their first share being single, Olivia more than Elliot but still. they both found ways to stay content in their loneliness durring this new separation while Elliot is undercover again

Elliots been gone two weeks, been smacked around a couple times by the new group he's trying to infiltrate. He missed her, he wanted to hear her voice

Olivia had just gotten home, Jet contacted her that if she gets a call from unknown number tonight that it's Elliot wanting to check in. She did

They talked for hours, catching up but making sure not to give out too much detail incase his phone was tapped, but they didn't mind, they just wanted to hear each other's voice and know they were both safe

When they finally hung up it was around midnight and Olivia couldn't stop thinking about him and his smooth quiet voice. Noah was at a sleepover, she was lonely so she decided to take the opportunity to relax in the tub, think about Elliot for a while, more specifically his hands and what they might feel like on her body, rough but gentle

Meanwhile Elliot was doing the same in his dodgy motel room shower, it's the most relaxed he's felt in weeks, picturing her with him, the way she'd feel, sound, how'd she kiss him
June 2023

The next two weeks for Elliot were full of UC stuff, getting established, building trust. till one point one of their suspects had his gun in Elliots face and he couldn't risk dying without hearing her voice again. So against Ayanas advice, he called Olivia again

The two talked for hours, hung up, then thought about each other, fantasized about each other, pictured everything they ever wanted in that moment

Olivia downed two glasses of wine and spent the rest of the night in her room with the door locked thinking about him

Elliot was back in the shower

July 2023

A month goes by with no word from either, Elliot never called and Olivia was too nervous to blow his cover. she was getting sassy at work, she was bringing work home more often than she used to, she couldn't hear his voice in her head anymore, nothing was working to relax again so she called Jet, she lied and told her it was an emergency, she couldn't explain more but she needed to get in touch with him

He called that night

Olivia couldn't fake the small talk, the catch up, the rush to get off the phone just to think about him and his hands

"I need to tell you something" she said nervously

"Everything okay?" He asked on the other end of the phone

Olivia took a deep breath as she leaned back against her headboard "just...don't day anything till I say so"

She told him the truth of why she wanted to call, what she thinks about after they hang up, how it's not the first time, that she's done this before, even back when they were partners after a long day, even when he left there were times she'd think about him, hell there were times when she'd picture him while she was with someone else just to feel something

She told him she understands if that makes him uncomfortable, she understands if she's just ruined what they worked so hard to rebuild, and then she asked him something she never thought she'd ask

"So How about we stay on the phone this time? If...you know if this is something you're going through too..maybe we can do it together" Olivia said

Elliot cleared his throat, he was silent during her whole speach "I-...yes, Im- I want to stay on the phone...are you sure?"

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