shes ready

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Olivia told Elliot she was ready, that Noah was off at Conners, and that she wanted him. They went to dinner at 7 and went back to her apartment

Elliot was a nervous wreck but initiated the longest make-out either of them has been in

It was Olivia who started pushing for more, her fingers on the button of his jeans, her little nods between kisses letting him know she was okay

Elliot moved over top of her as he pushed her into the couch more, he kissed down her neck gently but his hands were gripped on her waist tightly

Olivia moved her knees apart, letting him fall between her legs, she moaned softly when she felt his body hit hers

Elliot pushed his hand up her shirt slowly "Do you want to?" He mumbled into her neck "Move to your room?" He added

Olivia's heart raced, she felt his hand push up under her shirt and cup her chest and it made her lift her hips against his "a-Elliot" she said and slid her hand up the back of his neck

Elliot sat up on his other hand "Is this too fast?" He asked and went to move his hand from under her shirt

Olivia gripped his wrist to stop him "don't pl-please don't" she said and stared up at him "I-I want this" she added

"Okay," Elliot said softly and put his hand back, he nodded slowly "Let's go to your room" he added

Olivia shook her head "Not yet, I'm...I need this a little longer" she said

Elliot stared down at her eyes "Tell me what you  need and I'll do it Liv" he said

Olivia lifted her chest as she slid her hands back behind her and unhooked her bra

"Want me to take it off?" Elliot asked

"I want you to look at them first," Olivia said nervously as she slid her bra out tossing it to the floor "Before you decide to continue" she added

Elliot nodded, he knew why "Okay" he said quietly and grabbed the hem of her shirt "Can I take it off?" He asked

Olivia nodded

Elliot fixed his knees on either side of her before he slowly pulled her shirt off

Olivia closed her eyes and tried to keep her breathing calm, she could feel his stares, she could feel where his eyes were, landing on each and every scar

"Open your eyes Olivia," Elliot said quietly

Olivia took a deep breath and opened her eyes slowly, he was staring down at her, she tried to read his eyes, she expected fear or worse, disgust, but instead she was met with lust and hunger and love in his eyes 

"My god," Elliot said breathily "You're beautiful" he added

Olivia watched and felt his hands cup under her chest, holding her ribs gently  "You're're okay with it?" She asked

Elliot shook his head "I'm not okay with it no, i-i hate that you were scared to show me, I hate that you had to show me in general" he said and stared down at her as he moved to cup her chest, fully and gently in his hands "but it doesn't change anything for me" he added

Olivia went to speak but he cut her off

"I want-...can I kiss every one of these? I don't want you to have bad memories on them anymore, not after tonight" Elliot said

Olivia's lips parted, no one's ever asked, sure, she's been with people since, but Brian never got to see her without a bra on, Tucker tried but felt Olivia tense every time he touched her so he eventually stopped, and Burton...well she's not counting him anymore, but regardless he didn't seem to mind

"If you're not comfortable, I won't," Elliot said

"No, I want you to," Olivia said quickly

Elliot nodded as he moved his hands back to her ribs softly before he bent down and started to kiss each scar on her chest

Olivia became overwhelmed, both by love and anxiety, she gasped quietly at some of the kisses, and when she did Elliot's lips became softer on the next. He wasn't disrespectful with his kisses either, he wasn't trying to turn her on, this wasn't sexual for him, he was trying to show her she was safe with him

Elliot Sat up, leaving a few scars unkissed "Can I keep going?" He asked as his fingers glided down her stomach

Olivia nodded "I-I have a lot," she said nervously, embarrassed even

Elliot smiled "I'll spend all day kissing them if I have to, if it makes you more comfortable," he said and sat up "Come on, we'll go to your room" he added

Olivia had followed him to her room, she led him into her bed and let him continue. it wasn't until he got to the scars on the inside of her thighs that she decided enough was enough, she was done being uncomfortable with men seeing her, she was done not letting Elliot have all of her, and she was done not being with him, fully, in every way she wanted

Elliot let her set the pace, she was in control and he loved it, he did everything she asked and then some. He never thought he'd heard her moan or call out his name but he knew it would be his favorite sound after tonight, he went slow at first, but Olivia was in charge, and she wanted more

Olivia had raked her nails down his back so much that by the time they were done, he had marks in every direction, and it seemed like the harder she dug in the more Elliot enjoyed it

Elliot panted as he rolled off her "Did you-are you" he chuckled at not being able to get the words out "Sorry" he mumbled

Olivia was panting next to him, and she brushed her fingers against his beside her "That was amazing, oh my god" she said

Elliot let out a breath and smiled "Oh you were so good" he said and looked at her "Sorry it took us 24 years" he said

Olivia hummed softly "Let's just assume it would've sucked back then," she said and looked at him "this was really good, if I'm being honest the last time I had sex was good, I mean, till after, but that's not the point. Point is...i didnt- not like this, I haven't felt this good in...years" she added

Elliot smiled "Been a while for me too," he said and turned to his side slowly "So this last person who couldn't finish the job, huh, anyone I know?" he asked

Olivia chuckled and turned to her side "What time is it?" She asked changing the subject

Elliot pushed up and looked at her clock "Eight twenty" he said and laid back down "You clocking us?" He asked

Olivia smiled "just wanted to know if I ever need this again, I can get it during my lunch break" she joked

"Liv, you call me and I'll come running" Elliot said

"Sounds like a plan" Olivia said

Elliot cupped her cheek gently "Can I get you anything? Water? Food?...what do you need?" He asked

Olivia scooted closer to him till her body pressed against his "Are you a cuddler?" She asked

Elliot wrapped his arm around "I am, but are you sure you don't need anything else? Let me take care of you" he said

Olivia nuzzled her face into his chest "You already did" she said

Elliot pulled her closer, letting her completely melt into him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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