Dear Olivia part 3

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⚠️ Trigger warning, talks about the Lewis arch, rape, molestation, abuse, injuries, trauma ect⚠️

Is this 3rd and final part to this

Olivia laid on her couch, pinned under Elliot in a heated, end of date,  make out session.  their usual plans whenever Noah is at a sleep over nowadays.

Elliot moved against her slowly as he felt her knee slide up his hip.

Olivia turned her head to the side to catch her breath, her lips are red and puffy as she chuckled "I can't breathe.".

Elliot moved down her neck, he let out of a breath against her skin "you wanna stop here?" He asked before he went back to kissing her neck.

Olivia tilted her head "do you?" she asked and moved her hips against his

Elliot groaned as he pressed his lips to her collarbone, he mumbled against her skin incoherently.

Olivia chuckled as she slid her hand over his  shoulders then down his back "god, I want more," she whispered and gripped his shirt slowly "I want you."

Elliot immediately slipped his hand under her sweater "so do I" he said as his hand moved up her stomcah

Olivia felt his hand against her skin, she hesitates,  she wants him to touch her, she wants to feel him. that is, untill his fingers unknowingly moved over a scar just under her bra and Olivia yanked his hand out

Elliot pushed up on his hands to look down at her "im sorry. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it" He said

Olivia hesitates. She knows what she wants, she wants him, all of him "i-..I dont know" she lied

Elliot smiled "we'll take it slow then" He said as he sat up on his knees on either side of her

Olivia watched him unbutton his shirt, she felt her heart race "Elliot wait" she said quietly

Elliot grabed the hem of her shirt "want me to take it off, or do you want to?" He asked and started to push her shirt up

Olivia watched as her shirt raised over a small scar on her stomcah. she quickly swatted at his hands "stop, get off me" she said pushing her shirt down

Elliot stood up immediately "im sorry, did i do something wrong?" He asked

Olivia sat up "I can't do this" she said as she slid her hand across her stomcah. she pushed her hair back from her forehead and sighed

"I shouldnt have-" Elliot said before she cut him off

"Its not your fault" Olivia said and looked up at him

Elliot sat down on the coffee table in front of her "talk to me, whats going on?" He asked and tapped her knee softly

Olivia sighed "i want to do this, i want to be with you, god, you have no idea how bad i want this...but th-there's so much that needs to be discussed  first" She said

Ellipt frowned "like what?" He asked

"Im uh-I can't do this tonight, not you mind if I come over tomorrow evening, maybe we can get dinner and" Olivia asked

"Yeah, of course, should I be worried?are you okay?" Elliot asked

Olivia nodded "im okay, I just-we'll talk tomorrow" she said

_ _ _ _

Olivia came over after they had dinner. They talked about basic stuff, nothing too heavy. During dinner she told him she's been moving around specific events and milestones she's had over the years; including fully explaining where Noah really came from, since it’s so wrapped in her story of what happened in 2014.  Elliot didn't push, he told her to let him know when she was ready. She's ready now.

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