20 questions

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Elliot sits on Olivia's living room in front of her couch, he watches Olivia round the couch and sit next to him, wine glass in one hand, beer in the other "how about we play 20 questions" he said as she handed him his beer

Olivia chuckles "okay, you start" Olivia said tucking her legs under her

"Do you like the wine i brought?" Elliot said

Olivia smiles "of course, that was a dumb first question" she said

Elliot chuckles and motions towards her "your turn then" he said

Olivia smirked "am I a good kisser?" She asked

Elliot laughed softly "uh...no, you kinda suck at it" he joked

Olivia shoves his shoulder "ass" she said

Elliot put his hands up "im just joking" he said

Olivia nods "oh I know you are" she said and smiled "anyone who moans like you do is clearly enjoying themselves" she added as she took a sip of her wine

Elliot smiles "okay, my turn" he said and thought for a moment "before we got together, when we were just partners did you ever think about us? In a romantic way" he asked

Olivia glances down at her wine "yeah..sometimes" she said and nodded towards him "did you?" She asked

Elliot nods "more offten than I should have" he said bluntly

Olivia smiles "did you ever think about me naked?" She asked quickly

Elliot smiles at her boldness  "its not your turn to ask" he said

"Dont care, answer the question" Olivia said

Elliot clears his throat as he slides closer to Olivia, his knee bumps hers "more offten than I should have" he said quietly, "I'm sensing the theme of these questions are about to change" he added

Olivia glances down at his lips for a moment before she looks sets her glass over on the coffee table "I think that third glass was probably too much" she said

Elliot watched her "my turn ?" He asked

Olivia nods

"What's your wildest fantasy?" Elliot asked

Olivia hesitates "maybe we should go back to family friendly questions" she said

Elliot chuckles softly  "you're the one who started it" he said

Olivia squints her eyes at him "fine" she and cleared her throat "but this doesn't mean this is how I want us to- whenever that time comes...I dont want you thinking it has to be this" she added

"Okay" Elliot said and set his beer down, waiting patiently

"So..I've always thought it would be..intresting, to rent a boat, go out onto the water, away from everyone and everything...and do it in the middle of the ocean" Olivia said

Elliot raises his eyebrows "what kind of a boat? And durring day?" he asked

Olivia shurgs "I mean, not a canoe but you know something...sturdy, and not durring the day, theres too many people on the water, but late evening" she said

Elliot nods slowly "wow, that's..thats thought" he said

"What's yours?" Olivia asked

Ellipt smiled "you want truth?" He asked

"Always" Olivia said

Elliot shurgs "your office" he said with no hesitation

Olivia's eyes winded "my- my office? Are you serious?" She asked

"Well, your desk to be specific" Elliot said quickly

Olivia scoffs "my desk ? who do you think we are?" She said joked

"You're fine with boat sex in public but your office is too much?" Elliot asked

Olivia chuckles "im not saying it's too much, im just saying...why my desk?" She asked

Elliot smirks "you're captain.." he said

Olivia's lips parted slightly she stared at him, she swollows hard as she tries to hide her smile "okay..." she said and shook her head "um..no, I'm sorry, does it turn you on that im captain?" She asked quickly

"More than you know Liv" Elliot said

Olivia nods slowly as she grabs her glass "mhm, I'll have to remember that" she said

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