black tie

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Two weeks ago Olivia received a text from an unknown, untraceable number

*you'll pay for what you did to my brother*

Within a few days it determined that it was sent by someone within the BX9 in relation to Oscar Papa going to prison. Around that time Olivia received a letter at the precinct with an invite to the police gala, signed "Oscar Papa" that day Olivia sent Noah to stay at his brother's, with an officer outside 24/7, while Svu and now organized crime  (thanks to mcgrath) work together get the remaining bx9 members after a lengthy conversation with Oscar Papa and Elliot about who could be sending the threats. They were unsuccessful in Oscar papa telling them anything useful but they were able to round up the remaining Bx9 members, inculding one who even flipped and admitted the plan that the new leader had, Luca, Oscar Papas little brother. The new informant didn't know how much was set in stone but there were talks about police gala, Bombs, shootings, something to cause a stir but always ended with Captain Olivia Bensons death on Lucas hands

_ _ _

"Its not a date Muncy"

Olivia mumbled as she stood in her office hooking a small mic to the inside of the neckline on her dress. Her dress, which was black and floor length with a slit up the thigh and a neckline plunging so far no one in the precinct will be able to look their captain in the eye

"Yeah what is it then?" Muncy asked standing by her captains door, also in a black dress that stopped just above her knees with a short slit up the side

Olivia shook her head "two cops...going to a police gala together where  a bomb might go off, or it might get shot up or-..." she said and looked at Muncy sighing "its definitely not a date" she added

Muncy shrugged "fake date then" she said and watched Olivia flip her hair nervous trying to hide her ear peice "I am excited to meet this Stabler guy, Fins mentioned he was a big deal around here" she added

Olivia chuckled softly "little bit" she said and grabed a small clutch from her desk "okay let's go" she added

Muncy held the door open letting Olivia head out first

"Damn Benson, when you go go all the way" Bruno said leaning back in his chair in a black suit and tie

Olivia rolled her eyes "okay, get your looks in now, once we leave it's time to be professional" she said and smiled when the whole sqaud room bursted into whistles and whoops. She put her hand up calming them down and glanced at Fin "any comments from you?" She asked

Fin smirked as he straightened out his jacket "you look good Capt" he said

Olivia smiled "thank you" she said and went to turn just Ayanna came in wearing a dark blue knee length dress followed by Jet wearing what looks like her normal every day work clothes

"Whoa...look at you Olivia" Ayanna said and smiled

Olivia chuckled "Ayanna, thank you for having your team on this with us. and Jet, you'll be with Churlish, she's in the garage getting the mics up" she said

Jet held her thumb up "got it" she said and went to head out just as Elliot came around the corner in a jet black almost velvet suit. Jet turned immediately to watch

Elliot stops at an awkward length between him, Olivia, and Ayanna, not fully into the squad room but also still not in the hallway " uh, you-wow" he stuttered like a fool

Ayanna tried to hide her smile as she glanced at Fin

Elliot rubbed the back of his neck softly

Olivia cleared her throat awkwardly "yep, we all look great, lets get going" she said and glanced at Fin for help

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