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My hope for this coming episode, this is just a scene or two of what I hope, not the full episode

Olivia and Noah head towards their apartment after an evening of dance rehearsals and ice cream. She noticed the doorman wasn't outside and looked around as they got closer

"Captain Benson" a voice calls out from across the street

Olivia froze "Noah, go inside"

Noah looked up at the worried tone in her voice, she followed her gaze toward Two men in hoods and masks standing across the street "mom? What's going on?" He asked

Olivia pulled him to the door "inside now, call 911, take this" she said pushing her bag into his hands and headed across the street as Noah took off inside

"Carlos says hi," one of the masked men said as he held up a machete

Olivia pulled her gun as she stood in the middle of the street "NYPD, drop your weapon," she said

"Carlos wanted revenge, sorry your doorman was collateral damage"

Olivia took a step towards them "you can tell Carlos he's gonna rot behind those bars he got himself in" she said

The masked men lunged towards her causing her to step back, just as another member on a bike sped by knocking her to the ground and dropping her gun

Olivia rolled to her side just as one man kicked her. the two threw punches and kicks against Olivia until a security guard from inside her apartment building came running out

The two masked men took off

"Mom! Mom!" Noah screamed as he ran across the street with the guard. He still had a hold of his mom bag tightly in his hand

Olivia was in and out, fighting to stay awake as she rolled to her back

Noah kneeled "mom, I called 911, they're on their way," he said quickly as he ran his hand down her hair, he didn't know why but he knew his mom always did it for him when he was hurt or upset

The security looked around "Noah, do you see your mom's gun?" He asked

Noah looked around quickly just as a cop car pulled up followed closely by Fin   and a paramedic  "uncle Fin!" He yelled

Fin rushed over with the paramedics as he flashed his badge to them and the security guard "I heard the call on the radio"  he said and kneeled next to him "come with me, come on" he said

Noah moved away from him and towards Olivia "no. I'm staying with my mom" he said and grabbed a hold of Olivia's hand

The paramedic kneeled "we gotta get your mom checked out, we'll take care of her" she said

Noah looked down at Olivia sadly, as he watched her try to open her eyes, move, anything to let him know she was okay

Fin put his hand on his shoulder "come on bud, we'll go to the hospital and meet her there" he said

"We need to question him first," one of the cops said

Fin looked up at him "after he gets his mom to the hospital" he said and stood up "let's go," he added

Noah rubbed his sleeve under his eyes "okay," he said and stood letting go of Olivia's hand

_ _ _ _

Fin and Noah got to the hospital just as the paramedic got there, Noah watched as they wheeled Olivia to the back and he ran forward to follow but the Nurse held him off

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