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Olivia is awake at 1:30 am, normally being awake at this time would have been a sign of a restless night, and a morning filled with anxiety. Instend, she's sitting in the kitchen, his kitchen, at the island with a bowl of cereal and wide awake teenager across from her

It was awkward at first, Eli had snuck into the house from the back when Olivia was standing in front of the fridge, luckily she had pants on...granted, she's wearing Elliots sweats and his hoodie but at least she's not traumatizing the kid by being his dads naked girlfriend

So, where have been?" She spoke quietly

Eli smirks at his own bowl of cereal "I knew you wouldn't let it slide"

Olivia shurgs, glancing at the door "did you at least text your dad?"

Eli sighs and shakes his head "I wasn't- I was just with a friend, we -We weren't drinking. Or smoking. We were playing video games, I swear. I just lost track of time" Eli whispered

Olivia moves her bowl to the sink as she leans against the island "I'll make you a deal, I won't tell your dad but you gotta take a hike tomorrow night"

Eli looks at her intrigued "you really won't tell him?" He asked

Olivia smiles "nope, as long as you're out of this house by 5pm and you don't come back till the morning...er- let's say afternoon"

Eli chuckles "gross but..deal"

Olivia holds her hand out

Eli shakes it

Just as they shook hands Elliot came out of his room, rubing his eyes as he stared confused at the two of them "what's going on?" He asked

"I was hungry...I heard Eli out here already so I thought I'd join him" Olivia said

Eli smiles at the cover as he puts his bowl away
6+"Goodnight" Eli said heading his room

Elliot squints his eyes at Olivia "are you lying?" He asked

"of course not"

Elliot glances at Elis door

Olivia makes her way over to him, she slides her hands around his waist "dont worry about it" she whispered
7+Elliot looks down at her sliding his hands down her back "is he okay at least?"

Olivia kissed his cheek softly "yes..let's go back to bed"

Elliot turns as Olivia pulls him back to his room

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