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This morning was the first morning Olivia Benson didn't wake up at 3am with anxiety, it was the first night she didn't have to turn the TV on to go to sleep, it was the first night she didn't get up half a dozen times to make sure the door was locked, the reason ?   well hes standing in front of her mirror tying a tie around his neck

"I can't believe you didn't take off work today" Olivia said watching Elliot stand in the mirror hooking his badge to his hip while she leaned back against her headboard with a blanket pulled over her chest

Elliot smiles at Olivia through the mirror "not all of us our captains and can take off whenever we want" she said

Olivia pulls her knee up slightly making the blanket fall off it "well that same one of us has worked the same job for over 20 years and deserves a break" she said as she watched the back of him "..speaking of, last night was fun" she added

Elliot smiled as he turned around "last night was fun" he said as he glanced down her leg that was uncovered

Olivia smirks as she leans forward "24 years of waiting El, all for just one night?" she said as she slid her hand over the empty spot next to her on the bed "doesn't seem fair does it?" She asked

Elliot steped towards the end of the bed as he watched her "Bells gonna kill me if I call in" he said and watched as Olivia moved blanket off her thigh, he let's out a quick breath, there's no way he's wining this game

Olivia as she sat up on her knees, holding the blankets to her chest as she crawls down to the end of the bed

Elliot put his hands behind his back to keep his self control in check, he clears his throat "Bell-" he said before Olivia cut him off

Olivia leans up to his ear, "I will text Ayanna later...I have rank so I can make this call" she whispered as she moved her lips down his neck

Elliot closes his eyes softly "and what call is that?" He asked opening his eyes

Olivia smiles against his neck before she leaned back slightly  "get in the bed and I'll show you... detective" she said finally letting go of the blanket letting it fall off her

Elliot immediately goes to loosen his tie just as Olivia grabs his wrist

"No no, Leave it on..just that" Olivia said

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