"that looks bad"

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Based on a ficlet prompts from "DailyEOficletPrompts" on Twitter

Trigger warning: mentions of sa, violence, gun, ect

This will be a mini series onehshot.. following the next quotes based on the phone above

This is the finale part

Elliot watches as Olivia come back to the couch, this time with a beer bottle and a glass of wine

"Okay..I guess it's time to start" Olivia said handing sitting next to him again

Elliot watches her as she takes a sip of her wine..that slowly turned in to drinking the whole glass, "Liv, you don't have to tell me" he said

Olivia waves him off as she sets her glass down, "I told you, this needs to happen" she said

Elliot braces himself for whatever she's about to say happened in the years he left

Olivia takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly "so..three years after you left..we caught a case..Wi-..William" Olivia said

Elliot listened carefully, and silently to what seemed like a normal perp story, creepy man in the park flashing women, they caught those all the time, he frowns at the information William was let go

Olivia clears her throat as she shifts on the couch "um..so..we later picked him up on a rape of a 60 year old..he was lying and cocky in integration, and then explaining exactly what he did to her.." she said and sighs

Elliot looks downnat her hands as she fidgets with her rings, he just wants to hold her hand, he glances up as she tells him William believed she had a personal Veneta against him, he shake shis head when she tells him that Willam was let go on a mistrial, and bailed his bail

Olivia closes her eyes slowly, her story starts now she thought, she takes a deep breath "I came home that night, and I turned and -" she said as she squeezed her fist tightly

Elliot watches, god he wants to her hold her hand

Olivia took another deep breath "And when I turned he was standing there with a gun to my head" she said quietly

Elliots turns on the couch "you can stop..really, I-" he said

Olivia shook her head "no, I-I, you need to know..besides I'm almost done..im just telling you half" she said

Elliot let's out a breath, half..this is half ?

"For the next several hours..cause remember, I was sent home and told not to come back, captains orders..he tied me up at home and he..drugged me with sleeping pills and vodka" Olivia said as her voice cracked at vodka

Elliot bites the bullet and reaches for her hand, he needs to hold her hand

Olivia out of reflex, or need as well, grabs his hand tightly "for hours he put his cigarettes out on me and burned me with heated keys" she said as she finally let her tears fall, she looked down as she raised her shirt up slightly, fully showing Elliot her scars, physical and emotional ones

Elliot reaches over and pulls her shirt down squeezes her hand "stop.Stop.. your done, no more" he said

Olivia nods "they've healed a lot since..I guess I have beat in our bet all those years ago" she tired to joke, it just came sad

Elliot shakes his head "that looks bad Liv, im so sorry I wasn't here, I should have come sooner, no I should have never left" he said

Olivia looks at him, tears still falling "you're what got me through it..." she whispered, her chin quivered as she stared at him "I thought about you, in the worst moments of it..which is a story for another time, not now..the thought of you got me through it" she added

Elliot bites the bullet again, he leans forward, wrapping his arms around tightly, he feels her hug him back just as tight "I'm sorry" he said

Olivia sobs in to his shoulder as she shakes her head "just stay this time" she said through the tears

Elliot slides his hand on to the back of her head, "I'm going anywhere liv" he said as he scooted closer, pulling her closer to him as she contuined to cry in his arms


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