safe again

380 13 0

He doesn't even know how they got here,  one moment they were at dinner having a great time and now they're in his apartment, standing at an awkward length apart screaming at each other

Olivia threw her jacket onto the island as she mumbled  "I don't even know why the hell I came here, I should've gone home"

Elliot threw his arms up "Then go home"

Olivia turned to him, her eyes were big, her jaw cocked "Yeah, you'd want that, it's easier huh?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Elliot asked

"Just that you love to run away, hide... disappear!" Olivia yelled

Elliot scoffed and let out a laugh "Oh my god, we're back to that!? It was 13 years ago Olivia!"

"13 years ago, 4 years ago, 2 years ago! That's all you do! You show up, you cause a mess and then you run away" Olivia said

Elliot ran his hand down his face and mumbled "Get over it"

Olivia crossed her arms "Excuse me?"

"Get over it, i-I closed the damn case, I came home, I called you and asked you to dinner, move on, I want to!" Elliot said

"I can't!" Olivia yelled and huffed as she reached up to the back of her neck

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked quickly, his voice changed, and his whole demeanor became small and scared

Olivia chucked the compass necklace at him "I'm done"

Elliot caught the necklace against his chest, he stared down at it in his hands  "Now look who's running away?"

Olivia chuckled angrily as she shook her head "Stop, don't do that"

Elliot assumed, if they were going out might as well say it all "You claim you're pissed at me for some bullshit I said tonight...I think you're mad at yourself that it wasn't just me that kept us apart, and you don't like to admit that you're just as easy to blame"

Olivia stared at him "You're the one...who left"

"And you're the one who stopped calling. who knows maybe the next call I would've picked up," Elliot said

"Fuck you!" Olivia yelled before she headed towards his door

Elliot stepped forward quickly  "You're mad that tonight was good, fun, that it was easy, and you can't blame me anymore for not trying for us since I've been back.  it's on you and you alone this time and you can't stand me not being at fault for this, you can't stand not being able to blame me for what's between us" Elliot said

Olivia furrowed her brows

"You want to be happy Liv? You want the normal life that all your friends get to have? Then stop getting in your own fucking way" Elliot said

Olivia stood there for a moment, a second, before she rushed towards him, cupping his face in her hands and kissing him, roughly but slowly

Elliot's hands gripped her hips, he adapted quickly and kissed her back, it was all needy and tongue for a while till he felt Olivia shoved against him

Olivia kept shoving till his feet moved, they're mouths stayed connected as she forced him against the glass door, her hands moved down his chest then his stomach and gripped his belt

Elliot broke free of her mouth and looked down quick

Olivia was moving fast as she unbuckled his belt "Your room, now, right now Elliot"  Her knees felt like they were jelly at this point

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