wanna go for a ride ?

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Prompt based on a EO ficlet prompts from "DailyEOficletPrompts" on Twitter

This is set in 2021, with Elliot undercover as Eddie Wagner but Olivia's under cover as Persephone James. They have also not seen each other for 10 years in this reality

Persephone stands outside the courthouse with her eco group, all holding signs and chanting, she turns around when she sees a motorcycle drive past her

"I hate those things" another protester said

Persephone nods slowly "yeah..totally" she said as she watched the man on the bike as he parks and gets off, swinging his leg around

The other protester walks away leaving Persephone by herself, gawking at the bike she secretly loves..wait, she knows that bike..or knew that bike she thought

The man take shis his helmet off, bald, goatee, leather jacket, he turns around and makes eye contact with Persephone, his eyes winded and he turns around quick towards his bike

Persephone feels heart drop, it's not him..is it ? She grabs a stack of flyers from another protester and goes over to the man "hi, im Persephone, would you like to sign our petition" she asked as she watched the back of the man's head

The man turns around slowly, their eyes meet, he knows its her "hi.." he softly and smiled

Suddenly shes not Persephone anymore, Olivia knows that smile anywhere, even if its covered by a gray and brown goatee, she knows it "Elliot" she whispered

Elliot smiles "Persephone?" He asked

Olivia glances at the protesters making sure no one's around that could hear "what the hell are you doing here?" She asked

"You're not the only one undercover Liv" Elliot said and held his hand "Eddie Wagner, nice to meet you" he added

Olivia looks down at his hand and shakes her head "so..this is why you left ? For 12 years to do a uc job?" She asked

Elliot pulls his hand back, he glances down at his bike for a moment "you wanna go for a ride?" He asked

"No, no I don't want to go for a ride" Olivia said and crossed her arms "where the hell have you been?" She asked

Elliot sighs as he grabs the spare helmet from the back of his bike "get on and I'll tell you everything...please Liv" he said

Olivia sighs, she looks back at her group, all not paying attention to her "I shouldn't do this" she said

Elliot smiles "you know you want to, admit it" he said

Olivia smiles "Persephone doesn't" she said

"Well i don't care what Persephone want...what does Olivia Benson want ?" Elliot said

Olivia takes a deep breath "fine" she said grabbing the helmet from him

Elliot gets back on the bike, he looks back at her "come on" he said

Olivia tires to hide her smile as she swings her leg over the bike and sits behind him, she akwardly holds on to the back of his jacket

"You're gonna want hold on better than that" Elliot said

Olivia wraps her arms around his waist slowly "just go" she said

Elliot smiles, he starts bike and takes off, feeling Olivia tighten her arm around his waist


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