"make it hurt"

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Based on a ficlet prompts from "DailyEOficletPrompts" on Twitter

Trigger warning: mentions of sa, violence, gun, ect

I will being changing the phrasing up a little from "make it hurt" to "makes everything hurt" it's little different but still has the same tone

This will be a mini series onehshot.. following the next quotes based on the phone above

Elliot slams the door shut behind him as he got to his apartment

Bernie jumps at the island "Elliot!?" She asked

Elliot sighs "sorry, Momma, I didn't know you were home" he said and sighs sliding his heads on to his head walking in to the kitchen

"What's going on?" Bernie asked as she goes over to him

Elliot groans softly as he sits down at the island, he slides his head in his heads "I keep making mistakes" he said quietly

Bernie frowns as she wraps her arms around him from behind "the fact that you didn't say it was nothing has me more concerned" she said

Elliot sighs as he sits up and turning to face his mom "I can't..I cant keep pushing my stuff down" he said

Bernie puts her hand on his cheek "let it out, thats all we can do" she said

Elliot smiles he loves having her here, it makes up for all the time he pretended she didn't exist when he was at svu

"What happen? Work?" Bernie asked

Elliot shakes his head and takes a deep breath, he knows she knows, Bernie had called Kathy Olivia after she had died..and a few times before during visits, luckily Kathy either didn't hear or didn't have the heart to be mad at a old women forgetting things

"I was at Olivias today.." Elliot said softly, almost childlike he makes his hand in to a fist before flexing his fingers "I saw something that really scared me" he added

Bernie sits down on the stool next to him as she grabs his hand

"I missed so much with her while we were gone...and- I think something happened to her, something bad" Elliot said and looked at Bernie with the shiniest wettest eyes

"What'd you see?" Bernie asked

Elliot closes his eyes "I know Liv, I better than she knows herself..or at least I did. She..she reached up to grab something from her closet today abd when she did her shirt raised up" he said as opened his eyes "I looked down, and she had these scars on her stomach and side.." he added and stopped himself

Bernie frowns "you don't know from what?" She asked

Elliot shakes his head slowly "they weren't there when we were partners, I know that for a fact...we had a bet going on who had the worse scars and I never seen those, they were small, faded" he said

Elliot sighs as he gets up from the stool going over to the fridge "I was shocked, I was confused and she noticed that and..and I reached for her" he said and grabbed a beer form the fridge "God, the second I seen them, It felt like I was kicked back to our partner days, she was hurt and I need to help, I needed to-" he added and stopped

Bernie watches him

"She got uncomfortable..understandably, told me to leave" Elliot said as she leaned against the island "I was almost back there too" he added

"Almost back where?" Bernie asked

"Her life..her personal life...her" Elliot said and as he smacked the island lightly before standing up "I gotta call her, I gotta apologize" he added

Bernie goes to speak but stops, she watches him get out his phone and head to the patio "Elliot" she said quickly

Elliot looks back at her

Bernie smiles softly "be gentle with her...don't push if she doesn't want it" she said

Elliot lets out a soft chucke "yeah..thanks ma" he said before heading outside


Elliot steps in to Olivias apartment, it feels quieter now, Noah's gone, maybe that's why...or maybe because he knows what's about to happen

"Thank you for answering my call" Elliot said as he followed Olivia in to the living room

Olivia sighs as she down on the couch "I wasn't going to, the reason I did was because Noah brought me my phone and I didn't want to lie to him on why I didn't want to answer" she said bluntly

Elliot sits down next to her "I deserve that..Liv I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched you-" he said before Olivia cut him off

"I wasn't raped" Olivia said quickly to get the conversation done and over with, she watched his reaction...which was silence "I wasnt...but" she added and watched his chest fall as if she watched his actual heart sink

"But?" Elliot asked

Olivia takes a deep breath "I um..about three years after you..left, we had a case come up" she said and shook her head as the memories came back all at once "I cant..I can't tell you everything Elliot, I want to, but it makes everything hurt inside.." she added

Elliot frowns "then don't, I don't need to know, I don't need you to relive whatever it is..please" he said

Olivia looks at him "I think I have too, I think this is the way to move forward" she said

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