a night in

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"Meet me after work" 

Four words was all he sent Olivia with a location marker attached to the Lotte New York Palace

Olivia shook her head and typed back

*not tonight El, today has been exhausting*

They've gone back forth to each others places for the last couple of weeks, since that night in her kitchen actually. She told him she wasn't ready for this, which was true, but since then whenever she has a free night she spends it getting dinner with him, when they have the afternoon available they gets lunch, When Noah is at a sleepovers she spends the evening at his place or he comes over to hers. they've talked about talking things slow and so far they've stuck to that, it's always been just cuddles on the couch till it gets late and the other one leaves to go home

*just trust me*

Olivia sighed and typed back

*okay, I get off at 8*

_ _

Olivia arrived at the hotel at 8:11pm, Elliot texted he was already there and sent her the room number so she headed on up. He instructed her to text him as soon she got in the elevator so she did and waited patiently as the numbers went up

Finally she stepped out, room 719 was right at the end of the hall outside of the elevator. She walked up and knocked gently before she opened the door

"El?" She asked poking her head in before she stepped into the room

Elliot turned the small corner, he stands in front of her in a crisp white fluffy robe, smiling like a child with a wine glass in his hand "hi" he said and pecked her lips softly "here" he added handing her the glass

Olivia chuckled softly and took the glass "thank you" she pushed the door shut and followed him into the room

Elliot reached down and pulled her overnight bag out of her hand "relax, drink" he said and set her bag down next to his

Olivia watched him grab another robe and hold it out to her. she hesitates, the most they've ever done physically has been a few kisses here and there when the wine dates gets to be too much or when one catches the other staring. their first kiss was only a week ago outside the new york public libary..followed closely by a quick makeout in his suv before she reluctantly told him to hold off on anything more so they've always been clothed, not in robes in a fancy romantic hotel room

"This is nice...really nice, but- I gotta admit, when you said bring an overnight bag, i debated telling you no. El, im not ready for se-"

"Whoa, no one's expecting anything here" Elliot said and opened his robe to show he had a white shirt and shorts on "I promise you, all I want for this night is for us to relax, and decompress from work...I expect nothing else" he said

Olivia sighed slowly as she looked around "it does sound nice" she said and took the robe from him

Elliot smiled and stepped back "get changed, bathrooms over there, I ordered dinner for us, it'll be up soon, do you want a movie or i can put some music on and we can just talk" He asked

Olivia nodded "i dont want to foucs on a movie, music sounds good" she said and grabed the robe before she headed to the bathroom

Elliot made up the bed, fluffed the pillows and got a simple quiet Playlist going from his phone

Olivia made her way out of the bathroom, pulling the strap of her tighter "that bathroom is huge" she said climbing into bed next to with her wine glass

Elliot moved his arm over her legs as she curled up next to him "how was work?" He asked

Olivia sighed "long" she said and took a sip of her wine before she looked down at his chest "can I lay down?" She asked

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