not another missed opportunity

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Olivia stands at a steel table, a lifeless body under a blanket in front of her, she glances at the sad young women next to her

"You are sure you want to look?" Olivia asks

The women nods as Melinda pulls back the blanket revealing a man underneath

The young women cries and covers her face for a moment

Olivia puts her hand on her back "I'm so sorry" she whispered

The women looks back at the man, then at Melinda "can you give us a second?.." she aksed

Melinda nods and steps out of the room

Olivia waits quietly while she watches the woman Whisper quietly to the man

"I guess the quote is true" the woman said and glanced at Olivia

"What quote?" Olivia asked

The women looks at Olivia "the worst feeling ever, is feeling like you missed your opportunity"  the women said

Olivia looks down at the man for a moment before looking back at the women

"He was my best friend...for years, it was him and I...and then somewhere along the way I fell in love with him, I never told him, I kept putting it off cause I was scared" Olivia closes her eyes for a moment

"He called me a week before he disappeared..wanted to meet for lunch, I told him I couldn't, we hadn't talked in years, he just wanted to see me and I said no..I shouldn't have said no, I should have just gotten lunch" the woman said

Olivia closes her eyes for a moment, willing the tears away

The woman collected herself as Melinda walked back in, she looked at Olivia "did you find the bastard that did this?" She asked

Olivia nods slowly, still thinking about what she said about missed opportunities "yes..we found him" she said

"Good..make sure he rots in jail"

Elliots apartment

Elliot opens the door to Olivia who has a frantic, panicked look on her face "Hey, everything okay? Is Noah okay?" He asked quickly

Olivia shake her head "Noah's fine, I just needed to see you" she said as she held eye contact with him

Elliot watches her concerned "okay, here I am, are you okay?" He asked

Olivia took a deep breath, now or never she thought "I just..I dont want to miss another opportunity" she said

Elliot goes to speak just as Olivia steped forward, leaning up to his lips smashing hers against his Elliot reacts immediately, he puts his hands on her neck as his lips parted immediately

Olivia keeps her hands on the sides of his waist, she grips his shirt softly as she feels Elliot pull back from her "no" she whispered

Elliot leans his forehead against hers "I'm not stopping, I just need catch my breath..and pray to God this isn't a dream" he whispered and slid his thumb over her cheek "please don't let this be a dream" he added before he kissed her again

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