Olivia, I mean, Tia

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It was late, way too late, yet he was standing in front of his door, phone pressed to his ear

"Well? Are you going to let me in?" Tia asked on the other end of the phone and on the otherside of the door

He did, he opened it, saw the long brown curls, the letter jacket, for a split second she almost look like someone else

Tia stepped inside, holding up bottle of grappa and smiling

Before Elliot could react, as if he blacked out,  he was panting into Tias ear as kissed her neck, in his bed, half way naked, no shirt, no pants, briefs still on

Tia was beneath him, no shirt, jeans on, her legs draped over his hips as he kissed her slowly but roughly, then moved back down her neck and throat, her hands slid between then as she unbutton her jeans

Elliot was hearing her say his name as her nails raked down his back, he moaned quietly, sliding his hand down to her hips looping his fingers into the band of her jeans. before he went to pull them down, he said her name

"oh Olivia"

Elliot froze, Tia froze beneath him

Tia's eyes moved up to Elliots, his were shut, praying to God he could just have magical powers to rewind 20 seconds

"I-im so sorry" Elliot said and opened his eyes

Tia swallowed hard "it-..it's fine" she pushed his chest softly to move him off her

Elliot shook his head, his breathing picked up "I didn't- it's not that I don't want yo-"

"Dont..please don't finish that" Tia said as she button her jeans up 

Elliot sat up on his knees when she got out of the bed "T, don't go, y-youve been drinking, I don't want you driving"

Tia shook her head sliding her shirt on "Elliot, you just said someone else's name that is so completely the opposite of mine, all while i was practically naked beneath you...why would I stay?"

"Because...I'm an idiot" Elliot said

"Not a reason" Tia said and sighed  "but if I'm staying I'm drinking, where's your whiskey"

Elliot nodded to the kitchen "bottom cabinet" he got off the bed when she walked out, he slid his clothes back on and followed her

The rest of the night was followed by more drinks, late drunkenly made grilled cheese, and more drinking

Elliot went into a slur of rambles then finally explained why he said someone's else name

"Oolivvia" Elliot said into a glass of a grappa before he tipped the glass up and drank the last

"Ah yes, the other woman" Tia joked

Elliot shook his head "never...she was-was never the other woman, I-I could never do it"

Tia scrunched her brows "this Olivia, you love her?"

"She..." Elliot said and sighed slowly "She might be the love of my life"

Tia nodded and downed the last of her whiskey "pour me another"

Elliot blinked slowly as he grabed a bottle and refilled her glass "she hates me"

Tia hummed softly "cause youre an idiot?"

Elliot chuckled softly "exactly, I hurt her, several times, I dont...I dont think she'll ever forgive me" he groaned softly as he ran his hand over his head "it's late, this is gonna hurt tomorrow"

Tia finished her recent glass and slid it away from her

"I'll take the couch. The beds all yours, only fair" Elliot said slowly getting up from the bar stool

Tia slid off hers, gripping his arm for stability

"Up you go" Elliot mumbled and helped Tia to go in the right direction before he stumbled over to the couch and flopped down, passing out immediately to become overwhelmed by dreams of Olivia for the rest of the night

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