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Based on a Eddie/s12 Olivia gif made by SharBenson on Twitter. However this is Eddie and season 23 Liv but still based on the gif

Olivia and Joe stand outside a warehouse that was recently converted in to a nightclub by some top secret sex trafficking ring. The two get their barrings as they check to make sure Amanda and Fin can hear them on the mics that are hidden within their clothes

"All good, be careful guys" Amanda said from the parked suv

Joe holds his arm out "ready cap..sorry. Veronica" he said

Olivia chuckles softly, she hasn't done an uc job in years. She holds on to his arm as the two walk in to the club

As the walk in Olivia scans the room briefly before they stoped by the bar

"Drinks?" Joe asked

Olivia smiles "of course" said and leaned back against the bar as he ordered

"See anyone?" Joe asked quietly

Olivia shakes her head "not yet" she said, all they had going in was a brief description of a man named Albi, that he comes here often

Joe turns glances at Olivia "someone's watching, behind you, in the corner" he said

Olivia glances over, her heart drops as the man walks over towards "crap" she said quietly and looked at Joe "go walk around..I got this" she added

Elliot walks up towards them, as confused as he is, he cant stop looking Olivia up and down, he  stops on the other side of her "what are you doing here?" He asked quietly

Joe waited a few seconds before moving away from the bar

Olivia turns around to face the bar "we got a tip about a trafficking ring" she said quietly

Suddenly Fin and Amanda were in her ear

"Hes working for Albi, Liv"  Fin Said

Olivia looks at Elliot, her heart sinks again "Albi..." she said

Elliot nods slowly "is my boss.." he said and straighten up "who's coming over here now, do not freak out" he added quickly before he waved towards albi

"Eddie, I was hoping you'd come, you found a friend I see?" Albi

Elliot smiles slightly "yes, this is-" he said before Olivia cut him off

"Veronica" Olivia said and held her hand out

Albi takes her hand and kisses the top of it "nice to meet you. Eddie you have good taste" he said

Olivia smiles and pulls her hand back, she feels Elliot slide his hand around her waist from behind, she cant help but like how it feels, like he's protecting her again

Albi nods back towards a door by the bar "I keep the good drinks in the back..private room if you well" he said

Olivia chuckles as she looks back at Elliot "friends with the owner huh?" She asked

Elliot slides his hands to her hips "mind if we use the room?" He asked

Alibi motioned towards them "be my guest" he said and grabed Olivia's hand and kissed it again before he walked away

Elliot unknowingly squeezed Olivia's hip causing her look back at him

Olivia turns around in his arms "he's disgusting" she said quietly

Elliot keeps his hand on her waist "stick with me tonight...he's watching all of us" he said

Olivia glances down at his hand on her "I can't take care of myself" she said

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