a promise

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A week ago Olivia finaly sat down and had dinner with Elliot, it was causal at first, normal day to day updates, Elliot told her about the casino, about the new detectives he has, Olivia mentioned Muncy, they both agreed it feels like cops are getting younger and younger every year, or maybe they're just getting older.

After dinner they ended up sitting in the car outside her apartment in the most heated make out session either of them had been in in years. olivia pulled away and forced him to keep his hands on the wheel so they could calm down, Elliot decided a subject change would be best and asked about how she came go adopt Noah, she told him half because she knew that telling Noah's full story would open the door for her own much bigger story.  He asked her to go out to dinner again next week and instend of saying yes like she wanted to she invited him inside, she told him they can't start something untill he knows everything

So she told him, everything, every detail and she ignored him the best she could when she saw the tears in his eyes as she cried harder than she's ever cried before, it was as if shes held it in untill he could be there with her. He stayed silent for most of the conversation, mainly because she told him to, he clenched his jaw so much Olivia was actually woried it might crack. Towards the end when she mentioned her scars he finally spoke, he asked to see them, she told him she won't show him, she doesn't show anyone, but if they are going to start whatever this is, then he at least needed to know why 

Almost 2 weeks later, Christmas eve, they left the Christmas party the OCCB was hosting at a ritzy fancy hotel and Olivia was feeling more than confident as Elliot mentioned several times he was really enjoying the dress she chose to wear, his hands slowly moved over her hips briefly when know was looking before he walked away, they flirted off and on in secret but they tried to keep their distance utill the party was coming to an end

The two stumbled into the room he had book upstairs. both attached at the lips, their hands roaming to every inch of their bodies as they started sheding every article of clothing

Elliot gets his shirt open before hands moved around Olivia's thighs as he picked her up and droped her on the bed before he grabed her skirt and pulled it off

Olivia feels his hand slide up her thigh, she gasps quietly and sat up "stop, stop" she said quickly

Elliot stopped immediately and stood up "what's wrong? What happen?" He asked

Olivia kept her legs closed together as she leans forward against them as if to hide herself "I- ..I want the light off" she quietly

Elliot backs up "Oh..really?" He asked

Olivia nods "please" she said

"Yeah, of course" Elliot went over and shut the light off, the only light that was on was the bathroom and the small sliver from the curtains on the windows "is this okay?" He asked

Olivia nods "yes" she said and slid her hands over her thighs, she felt a couple of the raised spots and sighs shakily "no...I'm sorry, turn the lights back on" she added

Elliot flipped the lights on and seen her pulling her skirt back on "hey, its okay if you changed your mind" he said

Olivia shakes her head "I dont want to change my mind El, I want this, I want you" she said as she looked up at him "im just scared" she whispered

Elliots eyebrows flinch at the phrase "Liv, i would never do anything to hurt you" he said and kneeled down in front of her  as his hands slid down the back of her calves to her ankles "You call the shots, if you want the lights off, if you want them on...if you don't want to do anything but watch TV, I don't care, I just want to be with you, thats why i booked the room, no expectations, i promise" he added

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