episode 12 Promo

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My hope(s) for the kitchen scene we seen in the season 24 episode 12 promo of svu

She watched him from the other side of her island, she was leaning back against her sink, tears soaked down  her cheeks, her eyes were burning but she was calm, arms in front of her, hands clasped together

Elliot on the other hand, he started sitting on the stool across from her, clam, cool. When Olivia went further into her recounts of what's happened over the years, he became restless, fidgety, mentally spiraling. He's now standing, hands flat and firm on the island in front of him, his head hung as he re played her words

"And then...Lewis shot himself in front of me"

Olivia sniffled as she switched her weight to her other foot "so...thats the basics..the rest is legal stuff...they trired to put me up for his death..it all ended quickly after that though" she said

Elliot shook his head, he had a tiny puddle in front of him his tears have made "how-...how are you so calm right now?" He said and looked up at her

Olivia bit the inside of her cheek,  he stayed quiet the whole time, sorta, she was surprised that was his first sentence "because you're the one person I wanted to know about this...you're the one I knew I would be safe with telling this to" she said

Elliot ran his sleeve under his eye "I would have been there, if i known" he said quietly as he pressed his lips together trying to stop the tears but he started to spiral again "you could have die-I would have neve-never let you go inside alone, I would have made you blink your- Blink your godman lights, I would have-"

Olivia pushed off the counter and started to come around to him but he beat her to it and they met in the middle. She cupped his face as he held on to her hips "stop" she said quietly as he pressed his forehead against hers, her tears started fall again

"You could've saved-" Elliot choked out and shook his head

Olivia's lips parted as she leaned up to his hear "I know, I know" she whispered against his ear

Elliot pulled her waist into him, wrapping his arms around her fully and tightly

Olivia pulled her arms around him and buried her face in his neck

Alternatively 😉

Olivia pushed off the counter and started to come around to him but he beat her to it and they met in the middle. She cupped his face as he held on to her hips "stop" she said quietly as he pressed his forehead against hers, her tears started fall again

Elliot pulled her waist into him, wrapping his arms around her fully and tightly

Olivia pulled her arms around him and buried her face in his neck, she sighed softly as she stood there, in her home, with her home. She pulled back just slightly, sliding her hands to his cheeks again

Elliot closed his eyes for moment, he feels her turn her head against his forehead, his eyes flutter open making sure this is real

Olivia took a breath  "im okay" she whispered

Elliot squeezed her hips softly, he can't wait any longer, he tilts his head and caught her lips with his. He melts at how soft her lips are, he always imainged them to be soft but never this nice

Olivia kissed him back, her lips parted for him as he turned them both pinning her between him and the island. She cant get over how he tastes like the coffee she just poured him but in a completely addictive way

Elliot slides his hand to the back of Olivia's neck as hers move around his waist

Olivia pulled back just enough to catch her breath before she leaned back in for more

Elliot smiled against her lips, he slides his hands down her hips and  grips her legs sliding her up on the island

Olivia pulled back and chuckled softly, out of breath "wait, wait" she said putting her hand on his chest "El, I-...this is good, this is-..this is really good, but we can't right now, not like this" she added

Elliot nodded softly "you're right, im sorry" he said keeping his hands on either side of her legs

Olivia tapped his chest for a second before she immediately gripped his shirt and pulled back to her mouth. There was the coffee taste again

Elliot moaned softly as he felt her slide her tounge over his lip "Liv" he mumbled

Olivia whimpered into his mouth "I know" she said in between the kisses, she finally took a breath "I can't stop, you have to back up" she panted

Elliot chuckled "you think I wanna do that?" He asked and kissed her again briefly before she pulled back

"Please" Olivia  whispered

Elliot pushes off the counter and forces himself to take a step back

Olivia slid her thumb and finger along  her lips softly and shook her head "that's-...that wasn't what I thought was gonna happen tonight" she said

Elliot chuckled as he watched her

Olivia sighed as she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment "okay..." she said and looked at him "I'll-...I'll call you? Tomorrow" she said

Elliot smiled "really? You kiss me and then ask me to leave?" He asked

Olivia chuckled "I think it's best, we got this part down...we know this work" she said and smiled "I dont want to rush anything else...emotions are...high, and a lot right now, I don't want to mess this up before we get a chance to see what this is" she said

Elliot sighed slowly "you're right...you're right" he said and steped towards her slowly "but this...Liv we know what this is" he added

Olivia watched him step between her legs again "yeah...what is it" she asked

Elliot slid his hand on to her neck softly "I'm in love with you" he said quietly

Olivia smiled slowly "say it again" she whispered

Elliot slid his other on to her neck "I'm in love with you, Olivia Benson" he said

Olivia kissed him so softly their lips barely touched "I'm in love with you too, Elliot Stabler" she said and looked up at him

Elliot groaned softly "please don't make me leave" he said softly

Olivia smiled "I'm not making you, I'm asking you, just hold off for now" she said softly

Elliot sighed and back away again "okay" and looked away "just..don't walk me to the door, if you do I'm gonna kiss you again and we're gonna have repeat all this again" he added

Olivia chuckled "my legs numb anyway" she joked

Elliot chuckled as he ran his hand down his face "Okay, I will talk to you tomorrow" he said steped towards the living room

Olivia nodded "yes You will" she said

Elliot let out a breath "one more" he said quickly before he lunged back to her

Olivia laughed as his lips smashed on to hers "Elliot" she mumbled into his mouth as she kissed him back

Elliot held her face softly as he pulled back slightly "god, you're really good at that" he said

Olivia smiled "you too" she said and pushed him back softly "go home" she added

Elliot shook his head "goodnight" he said and forced himself to leave the kitchen

"Night" Olivia said quietly and smiled whens he heard the door shut "wow" she whispered

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