Little Spoon becomes Big Spoon

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Olivia was in the middle of cleaning up dinner when her phone rang, she hollered for Noah to bring her phone

"Its Sargent Bell" Noah said passing the phone to her

Olivia took a breath, Elliot was 4 hours late getting home, last she heard was a text from him saying "heading to the bust now, sorry I'll be late, I'll pick up Noah's cereal on the way home"   and now his Sargent is calling her

"Is it Elliot?" Noah asked softly as he watched his mom stare at the call ringing through

Olivia cleared her throat "go get ready for bed bud" she clicked answer and tried to calm her voice "Ayanna..I was wondering where my husband was" that was new for her, they've only been officially married for two weeks and she still feels weird saying husband, not in a bad way, just...he's hers now

"Hey Liv, sorry for calling so late" Ayanna said on the other end

Olivia braced her hand against the island "not a everything okay?"

Ayanna was quiet for a moment which only added to Olivia's anxiety

Olivias voice softened, and got quiet so Noah doesnt hear the tone "Ayanna please...what happened?"

"He's okay...physically" Ayanna said and took a breath "he left here about an hour ago, I told him to text me when he got home....we um, we did a drug bust, we didn't know there were kids inside...he seen a lot tonight"

Olivia closed her eyes "how bad?"

"Bad enough, its...its the worst ive ever seen, he just kinda looked hollow when he left here, so i wanted make sure you knew" Ayanna said

Olivia hears the front door lock click open "h-he got just home, I'll text you later. Thank you for calling" she hung up and listened for Elliots footsteps but when she didn't hear anything she met him in the living room

Elliot was still standing by the door, just staring at a photo of Noah and Olivia on the stand

"El?" Olivia asked softly as she stepped halfway between him and the living room

Elliot was immediately pulled back to reality, he slowly glanced up at her and nodded "h-hey, sorry I'm late" he held up a plastic grocery bag in his fists that were closed so tight his knuckles were white "I um, I couldn't find Noah's cereal so I went and got those bagels he likes instend"

Olivia shook her head, she could hear the tiredness in his voice "you could've just came home hon, it wasnt a big deal"

"No he-he wanted h-his cereal so I-" Elliot said as he looked down,  he had started to kick his boots off when he saw specks of blood on the tips of his shoes "ah, fuck"

Olivia followed his eyeline and frowned "El, Ayanna called me...why don't you leave them there, I'll take care of it"

Elliots hand shook softly as he pushed his boots off carefully by the door

Olivia went to him, wrapping her hand around his bicep as she whispered  "breathe Elliot, take a breath"

Elliot inhaled slowly, tears filled his eyes as he looked at her, he shook his head softly 

"Come on" Olivia said and helped him over to the couch "just sit down"

Noah came into the room and stopped when he immediately sensed the tone

Olivia glanced at him as she slipped the grocery bag out of Elliot tight hand "kitchen, love, I'll come tell you good night in a bit"

Noah took the bag but didn't leave right away, he watched Elliot come into the living room, looking beat down emotionally and he felt drawn to him

Elliot moved a pillow on the couch just as Noah took a step and wrapped his arms around Elliots waist, let out a soft breath when he hugged Noah back

Olivia pressed her lips together watching the two

Noah didn't say anything, he pulled away and went back to the kitchen then to his room

Olivia sat down, offering her hand up to Elliot "sit, talk, don't talk, whatever you want"

Elliot allowed himself to break, just a little, just enough to rest in her arms with his back against her chest, letting her become the big Spoon for once

"I'm so sorry for...whatever, happened tonight" Olivia said as her slid her hand up and down his chest gently

Elliot shook his head "I left svu because of this...well, partly. I mean, terrorists, drug traffickers, bombs, those I can's the kids Liv, i cant...i cant deal with it anymore"
Olivia nodded as she leaned her head down to his ear "I get it, believe me Hon, if anyone understands, it's me"

Elliot sighed softly as he leaned his head back against her shoulder "I know you do"

"Do you want to talk about it? About What you seen?" Olivia asked

Elliot glanced down at her hand on his chest "no" he slid his hand into hers, intertwining thier fingers "its too much for tonight"

Olivia kissed the side of his head gently

"I have a meeting with the therapist Tomrrow, Bell said its mandatory" Elliot said as he squeezed her hand softly

"That's good, that's really good" Olivia said and felt his body weight push against her more as he starts to relax "any chance that you're hungry?"

Elliot shook his head slowly "not at all" he tipped his head to look up at her "kinda just wanna take a shower and go to bed if that's okay"

Olivia cupped his cheek softly "absolutely, im gonna go say goodnight to Noah and then join you"

Elliot nodded as he sat up "tell him I said goodnight too"

Olivia nodded as she watched him head down the hall towards their room

She went and talk to Noah for a bit, told him goodnight, then washed up elliots boots the best she could before she headed into their room

Elliot was out of the shower by then and sitting at the foot of their bed rubing his cross necklace between his fingers

Olivia shut the door quietly and sat next to him

"We um...there was one little girl tonight, we found her...alive, hiding in a closet, she had rosary beads gripped in her hands" Elliot said quietly

Olivia hummed softly "well, it's good you were able to save her, get her some help"

Elliot dropped his hand and shook his head "there was a lot more we couldn't save Liv"

"I know" Olivia said and nodded to the bed "Come lay down, try to get some rest" she stood up

Elliot turned and crawled up into bed next to her "sorry if I scared you by being late"

Olivia slid over to his side and wrapped her arms around till he was pressed against her chest "you're safe, that's all that matters"

Elliot laid there listening to her heartbeat, trying to match her breathing with his "I love you"

Olivia cupped his cheek softly and whispered "I love you too


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