come over

613 12 1

Olivia pressed her palms against the island, she took a deep breath and stared at her next to the half-empty bottle of wine

"Screw it" she mumbled and picked up the phone, her eyes a little blurry as she finds his number. She takes another deep breath to calm her nerves


Just the one word sent chills down her body

"'s me"

"Oh, hey, what's up? It's kinda late, everything okay?"

Olivia shook her head as if he could see her, she chuckled softly "I-...I found a white wine that I like" she pulled the bottle closer to her as she kept her focus on it rather than the smooth sound of his voice

Elliot chuckled "yeah?"

"Yeah, it's fruity...kinda sweet, its-its good"

"Are you drunk right now?"

Olivia smiled to herself "not as much as you think...I um...I need to tell you something" she said

"I don't think you should if you've been drinking Liv, why don't I call you in the morning, you can tell me then"

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut "I called you, for a week after you left" she took a breath "I also-..mhm.." she shook her head and stopped herself

Elliot sighed slowly "we don't need to talk about this right now"

Olivia smacked her palm against the island softly "no we do, because...Im-I'm...I miss you, I miss you like I missed you when you first left and- and I-...I want you"

"You want come over? I can come by, we can talk, I'm not far actually"

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut "no I want you" she opened her eyes a took a deep breath before she continued quicker "I want you to come over and pin me against the wall, the door, the island, I want you on my couch Elliot, I want you in my bed"

Elliot went silent

Olivia pouted "are you there?"

"I'm here...Olivia, you're drunk, you're-"

"Im not drunk Elliot. Just Come over" she said softly

"I'm on my way, but I-"

"I want you to show me you're the kind and devoted man that I deserve"

Elliot felt his breath hitch, he went to speak before she cut him

"That week after you left I went through every emotion, I was angry with you, I was sad, and then I just missed you... and then one night I took a shower and thought about you, how your hands would feel on my thighs, in my hair, just-" Olivia said as she looked down at the robe she was wearing and tightened the strap "come over and show me what it feels like" she added

Elliot sighed "I'm here...but I don't think I should come up there"

Olivia groaned "Im not plastered Elliot, I'm tipsy at best" 

"You called me telling me you want me to pin you against various, Olivia Benson, are not in your right mind"

"Fuck you" Olivia mumbled as she downed the last of her wine

"Classy Liv"

Olivia closed her eyes as she sighed slowly, truth time she thought "El, please, I'm-...I know this is out of character for me, I know that...why do you think I needed the liquid courage for it. I'm tired of being unhappy, of being Lonely, of...of loving you from afar, I want this...please come up here, I-I promise I won't attack you, I just want to see you"

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