chapter 1: male primary three

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[Entertainment Goose Breaking News: "He Knows the Sunny Day" Web Drama, Male One Hyz, Male Two Qy, Male Three Smz]

1L: Instant decoding, Huo Yuzhe, Qiao Yan, Sheng Mingzhi.

2L: Huo Yuzhe and Qiao Yan just had an open relationship, and turned around and "remarried" with Sheng Mingzhi???

3L: Take away the handsome brother Huo Yuzhe, eight hundred years ago with Sheng Mingzhi untied, Sheng Mingzhi did not rub [spit]

soon, the comments under the exposed Weibo gradually increased.

"No, Huo Yuzhe and Qiao Yan only had a public relationship last week, I know, who is Sheng Mingzhi?" Male junior? 

The following replied:

"The celebrity among the stars."

"Internet celebrities among ordinary people."

"The first vase of internal entertainment."


Sheng Mingzhi lowered his eyelashes, looked down at the comments little by little, and without expression, said that he was a vegetarian on several Weibo accounts one by one to personally black out and report a dragon.

The air conditioning at Yunjing International Airport was very low, and it was raining outside, and Sheng Mingzhi sat in the VIP room, preparing to go to Haicheng to attend the opening ceremony of the film festival.

His skin was porcelain white, his neck was buried in a black down jacket, leaving a pair of fox eyes with a slightly upward tail, long and straight eyelashes, full lips and flesh, color like bean paste, excellent skin, and a standard thick face.

In the entertainment circle where beautiful people crawl everywhere, they are riding in the dust. <

Agent Xiao Wang whispered in his ear: "Although you and Huo Yuzhe have been untied, but while the CP is still a little hot, you can rub a little bit, and strive to abuse the CP powder of both of you into your only powder." Anyway, he was sorry for you first, and when he said that he was bundled and hyped for mutual benefit and reciprocity, he turned around and opened it with his boyfriend on Weibo. This is a breach of contract.

Sheng Mingzhi listened without a ride.

Halfway through Xiao Wang's speech, he caught a glimpse of Sheng Ming's mobile phone screen, full of insults, and silenced.

In the entertainment industry for six or seven years, Xiao Wang has brought many artists under his hands, and he has also been on the front line, and he has seen all kinds of black and red, but he has never seen Sheng Mingzhi: light black, not red.

In the first half of this year, Sheng Mingzhi participated in a small-cost web drama under the company's arrangement, and he did not expect a small fire. In the web drama, he and Huo Yuzhe, the actor of male number one, also followed the wind and water, and became famous in the entertainment circle and accumulated some fans.

The company hit the iron while it was hot, and Huo Yuzhe hit it off immediately, so that the two interacted more and fried cp.

When the hype is booming, Huo Yuzhe's legitimate boyfriend is not happy, and a riot operation opens the relationship, and Sheng Ming's childish heat instantly makes a wedding dress for others.

Huo Yuzhe's career love is win-win, and he has also won a good reputation of "daring to be bold and responsible", and Sheng Mingzhi was beaten back to his original form and fell into a black name of "male junior".

It's been more than a month, and the marketing number is still using the three of them to slip powder.

The heat was all the sweet little man's, and the scolding was all his.

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