don't be confused

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Yunjing International Airport.

Sare packed up the violin for Jiang Bei, still thinking in pieces: "Obviously you are ready, you really should have given it to him just now." Your friend may be happier to receive two gifts. It wasn't until he could no longer see Sheng Mingzhi that Jiang Bei withdrew his gaze.

He was trying to say a few words to Sare, but felt a stream of heat in his nose, and he quickly realized what it was, and quickly found a place to sit down and took off his mask.

Sare turned her head and screamed, "Jenson! When the airport employees noticed them, Jiang Bei's face was already pale and terrible, he covered the lower half of his face, blood had spilled from his fingers, forming a strong contrast with the pale skin color, looking very frightening.

"Are you all right, sir?"

Jiang Bei waved his hand, and sare handed over the wipes, "It's all right. It's just that the air in the north is too dry and nosebleeds. The crew will leave suspiciously.

Sare turned out the medicine in his pocket, a piece of white flowers, different types of medicinal effects, placed in different bottles and cans, intricate, but Jiang Bei can steadily distinguish which medicines to eat how much, which drugs are eaten in what emergency situation.

Jiang Bei swallowed a handful of medicine and comforted Sare: "We have a saying in China called long-term illness into medicine, which is not false at all.

 Sare blushed, "Your doctor told me that your body could no longer withstand the long journey.

Jiang Bei smiled: "Alex said last year that I would not live for the New Year, am I not good now?" Sare, it looks much better when you laugh than you do.

 It was only his personality, and when he was in pain, he could say such inconspicuous words. <

Sare worried about him: "I shouldn't have promised you to let you go back to your country."

Jiang Bei smiled and said, "Spare me, Sare, I don't want to leave with regrets." 

Alex was right.

He wouldn't have lived this year.

In January, Jiang Bei's life indicators reached a critical point and he stayed in the intensive care unit for a week.

Subsequently, after rescue and conditioning, it gradually returned to a stable state.

Alex asked him how it felt to walk through the ghost door.

Jiang Don't think about it, he only remembered the glare of the surgical lamp above his head.

"Nothing felt." Jiang Bei remembered that he had replied at that time, "I suddenly remembered a friend, his birthday is coming." 

"I had planned to die this winter, but when I remembered that his birthday was in the spring, I thought I would wait until the spring anyway."

He realized.

He also wanted to see Sheng Ming's childish side again.

The first time Jiang Bei was diagnosed with physical problems was in his third year of high school.

On the day of the eighteen-year-old adult, he won a racing championship with a very strong gold content in the country.

He had everything that day.

Trophies, champions, best friends, and a bright future.

He stood on the podium, hooked Sheng Ming's childish shoulders, and solemnly blew a bull.

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