chapter 26: little conscienceless

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as a long-standing high-gate chaebol in yunjing, the sheng family inevitably has some unknown secrets of the giants.

sheng mingzhi and song yi are one of them.

twenty-two years ago, sheng mingzhi was maliciously exchanged by song yi's biological father at birth, and did not know his biological parents' surname sheng until he was twelve years old.

before that, he also had a name called song yushu.

cases of malicious replacement of babies, in fact, with the development of society and technology, as well as the improvement of the medical system, have become rare.

but sheng mingzhi's situation was very special.

in the winter of 2002, sheng mingzhi's mother qiu yu had a fight with sheng yuanda and went to the suburban winery alone for the new year. coinciding with the biggest snow disaster in yunjing that year, qiu yu was unexpectedly premature in the winery, the snow closed the road, the ambulance could not enter, and she did not come out.

a few nannies and workers were busy guarding their wives, and sheng mingzhi came to this world in a state of chaos.

one of the workers who helped was song qiang, a unloader at the winery, who lived with his wife in the workers' room in the back garden of the winery, and on the same day, song qiang's wife and wife gave birth at the same time.

song qiang was vain and cunning, and he loved to gamble, and he couldn't afford to pay off a debt, so at the first sight of the young master of the sheng family, he had a thought.

that night, he took advantage of the night to swap his son with sheng mingzhi.

qiu yu died of difficult childbirth after giving birth to twins, and it happened that winter came to spring, an epidemic disease broke out in a large area, yunjing blockaded the city, and the sheng family fell into an unprecedented panic.

it wasn't until june 2003 that sheng yuan met his twin daughters. <

because it was an allosaurus phoenix fetus, even if it looked different, sheng yuan did not doubt it.

more importantly, qiu yu's death hit him too hard, and the funeral, condolence meeting, and obituary, as well as dealing with the ambitious sheng family's external branch, all of which combined exhausted sheng yuan's energy.

sheng xue was frail and sickly at birth, and sheng yuan spent most of his time taking care of his daughter, and his concern for song yi was inevitably biased.

later, sheng yuan abdicated from mingchen before he was fifty years old, handed over the power to his eldest son sheng xu, and concentrated on accompanying sheng xue to live in his grandfather's house in england to recuperate.

the probability of their own sons being swapped is too small, even the folk are rare, let alone a rich family like them.

therefore, even if song yi's appearance did not resemble sheng xue at all, it did not attract much attention. the year when it was really found that song yi was not the bloodline of the sheng family, it was the sharp deterioration of sheng xue's condition, and there was an urgent need for bone marrow configuration, song yi as a twin, but the blood type was completely different from sheng xue, and it was not worth a point.

it was also this year that song qiang's foreign debt owed more than six million.

the qiu family went to the door to burn and loot, and he finally told the truth and came to the sheng family with sheng mingzhi.

without even any identification, the moment sheng mingzhi appeared in the living room of the sheng family, the truth had already been settled.

twelve-year-old sheng mingzhi had not yet entered the puberty period, and the male and female were indistinguishable, with a face almost exactly the same as sheng xue.'s.

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