chapter 61: brother lu upside down!

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Sheng Mingzhi was inexplicably embarrassed by what he said.

Originally, I didn't dream about him, but it was as if I really dreamed.

And, more embarrassingly.

How could he be in Lu Jiayan's room?!

"Less self-indulgence, who will dream of you?" Sheng Mingzhi turned back to God and muttered, "Even if it is a dream, it is a nightmare."

Lu Jiayan ignored the stiffness of his mouth and touched his forehead with his hand: "Is it still uncomfortable?" 

He didn't ask if it was okay.

Sheng Mingzhi is actually not so squeamish, it is a boy, and it is good to have a fever and sleep the next day.

But Lu Jiayan asked.

The grievances and anger accumulated in the past few days have burned up.

Sheng Ming was childish and fierce: "Do you think I look good now?" I was all sick with Song Yi! Seeing

him solemnly push the reason for his fever to others.

Never mentioned the half of the ice cream he had just seen in the refrigerator.

Lu Jiayan felt that he was already a little dizzy.

I actually thought that Sheng Ming's childish little temper was also very cute.

Sheng Mingzhi thought more and more angrily, and counted with his fingers: "You don't care about my feelings at all, although we are now ready to divorce, but divorce also has a cooling off period for divorce, at least for now our marriage is legal." I was scolded again, Xiao San was scolded and rumor-mongering the golden lord's thigh, so angry that I was in pain everywhere, so at such a critical time, you also ran abroad! You just meant it!

A strand of brain, no matter three seven twenty-one, first threw the pot to Lu Jiayan.

Give the dog man a little pressure! <

Who knows, after he finished speaking, the room was quiet.

I thought he was going to apologize to Shunmao, but Lu Jiayan just paused and said slowly, "So, or I will rub It for Teacher Xiaosheng?" 

The tone dragged on for a long time, with a hint of ambiguity.

Sheng Mingzhi did not understand the connotation of his words at first.

It wasn't until I remembered what I said a few seconds ago that "my whole body hurts."

Instantly, the face was a little hot.

The fox's eyes widened slightly, as if in disbelief, and gritted his teeth: "Do you still have humanity?!" He's all like this, the dog man is still full of yellow waste!

Sheng Mingzhi stressed: "And you figured it out, we are now in the cooling-off period for divorce, and you are not qualified to have these rights!" 

Think he's the kind of guy who can coax him to be good at will?


Immediately buy an astronaut space station for him.

In the end, Sheng Ming's grievances had nowhere to vent.

After saying everything he could say, he still opened his mouth and began to turn over the old accounts: "Obviously I am working at Shengjia, and I still have to be bullied by your group." As

if remembering something, Sheng Mingzhi showed his hand with the Band-Aid.

This is the opening that was accidentally cut by the paper during the recording.

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