love roundup official announcement!

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The moment he saw this news, Sheng Mingzhi first wondered if Lu Jiayan had changed his ways to propose divorce to him?

Who doesn't know that "Those Years, Together" is a well-known divorce variety show?

Sheng Mingzhi did not apply through the friend of the chief planner, but he did not refuse.

Theoretically, he felt that participating in this kind of marriage variety show was not interesting.

Sheng Mingzhi himself mixed with the entertainment circle, and he knew better than anyone what virtues those divided and merged couples in the circle had in private.

Seeing that they were on the variety show and pretending to be he and Meimei, a few years ago Sheng Mingzhi was embarrassed to spit on them, this year his marriage was happy, and immediately stood on the moral high ground to attack, making love and hate clear.

But emotionally.

Teacher Xiaosheng wants to go to !!!

After all, the more couples who are separated in "Those Years", the more it proves how true the couples who can't be separated are.

Coupled with the heat of horror, although I know that the risk of participating in the show is great, there are still many couples who come to the show like gambling.

Even in the end, it has developed into a touchstone for internal entertainment couples.

No matter how sweet the couples who speculate on Weibo are, as long as they have not been on "Those Years", they are all regarded as marketing love cafes.

Moreover, although Lu Jiayan always put the phrase "it is difficult to have such a good husband and not to show off" on his lips.

Sheng Mingzhi only wanted to roll his eyes every time he heard it, but in his heart he still quietly agreed with Mimi, after all, it was really difficult not to show off! <

On the first day of his real time with Lu Jiayan, he was eager to ask Dong Qing to report to the people of the whole country on the spring evening, and to inform the overseas Chinese on both sides of the strait that he and Lu Jiayan were in love!

To tell the truth, if conditions permit, Sheng Mingzhi simply wants to put a label on Lu Jiayan's forehead that is exclusive to Teacher Xiaosheng, so as to tell the world that this is his thing.

Save the men and women outside of the heart of creating some gossip.

I was angry when I saw Lu Jiayan gossiping outside!!

The last straw that crushed Sheng Mingzhi was the "marital infidelity" incident in Hong Kong.

Although Lu Jiayan withdrew all the news, someone in his private message still asked:

"Is it true that your husband cheated in marriage?"

"Don't pretend to be very loving brother, who believes"

"Your husband cheated on me, I know that rich men don't have a good thing"

"Black my brother, your husband cheated for a lifetime (spitting out)"


Sheng Mingzhi used to think that he was invincible on the Internet.

I didn't expect that netizens didn't tear up the ideas he cared about.

When he saw these private messages, Sheng Mingzhi almost rolled on the bed in anger.

Ten sets of military body punches against the air did not dissipate!

Then he immediately sent the screenshot to Shen Ling, and insulted him ten thousand times with the enemy. <

After the insults were over, Shen Ling said, "Why did you send it to me, just tell your husband!"

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