chapter 32: a little miss

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sheng mingzhi couldn't remember exactly when he had fallen asleep.

at first, he still had the strength to cooperate with lu jiayan, but then he was too tired to be able to do it, and simply became a salted fish, and his hands could not hang on each other's shoulders.

i also took a shower in vain.

sheng mingzhi was almost carried into the bath with his eyes closed, and his body was soft and weak. let him lie on his stomach, raise his hand, and nestle in lu jiayan's arms like a kitten.

the water temperature was just right, and sheng mingzhi was taken care of drowsily, almost falling asleep.

when i woke up again, i was still awakened by the feeling of soreness.

he didn't know when he was already lying on the edge of the bath, and his center of gravity was resting on lu jiayan.

the blurred light in front of his eyes shook violently, and sheng mingzhi wanted to speak, but found that the tone of his voice had changed.

then, i can't remember what happened next.

the next morning, the first to wake up was lu jiayan.

the habit of the biological clock that he had developed over the years, when he reached eight o'clock, he no longer fell asleep.

it was just that today was different from the usual situation, lu jiayan woke up and found that his right arm was heavy.

he was stunned for a moment, only to find that sheng mingzhi had his back to him and put his arm as a pillow.

the posture is extremely well-behaved, and it is not as good as sleeping on all fours like last night with harsh words.

lu jiayan's mind moved, as if there was some induction, sheng mingzhi turned over, just facing his face.

accustomed to the delicate meticulousness of this little flower peacock, he suddenly caught a glimpse of his defenseless sleeping face, wrinkled messy pajamas, and messy, soft hair.

also, cute? <

lu jiayan just stared at it for a while, and sheng mingzhi made another move.

very subtle, seems to be cold, subconsciously sticking in the direction of the heat source.

the sleeping position was still very well-behaved, shrinking herself into a ball and squeezing into his arms.

i don't know where i have seen a sentence, everyone who likes to sleep in a group is extremely insecure.

lu jiayan thought of this and laughed softly.

will this little ancestor, who has no one in sight, who is willful and arrogant, lack a sense of security?

in his sleep, sheng mingzhi didn't know what he was dreaming about, and he let out a "uh-huh" sound.

it's like waking up.

lu jiayan's eyes were drooping, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

a second later, he grabbed sheng mingzhi's wrist and put him on his shoulder.

sheng mingzhi probably had the habit of sleeping and hugging the quilt, and as soon as he touched the things he could hold, he subconsciously hugged them tightly.

even the straight and slender legs were clipped up.

this did not require lu jiayan to do it.

the man raised an eyebrow, then put his hand on sheng ming's waist and took it down.

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