pledge yourself to each other

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fortunately, at this time, sheng mingzhi could not see the bullet screen of the live broadcast channel.

otherwise, all the accounts on the bullet screen will now be blocked by him one by one carefully:

"everyone is their own person, what is there that our audience can't listen to?"

"don't think that when the room is dark, we won't see your ears red, i've taken a screenshot."

"what happened last night, it really matters to me (crying)"

"i have a friend who is terminally ill and wants to know what happened to you last night before he dies.jpg"


in the bedroom, sheng ming's brain finally woke up.

han huang, organizing the language, did not change the color of his face: "--i have to pull me to work overtime together."

lu jiayan was stunned, and then laughed softly.

obviously, he did not expect sheng mingzhi to answer in this way.

barrage followed:


"what is the content of overtime, let's talk about it?"

"tell me, how did you work overtime, in the study or in the bedroom?"

"in what position do you work overtime?" i'll know right away. "


lu jiayan said, "that's really hard teacher xiaosheng."

seeing that sheng mingzhi was about to get up, lu jiayan supported his waist.

in fact, it is a very simple and natural action in normal times.

but because the netizens in the live broadcast room have not seen the private interaction between the two, coupled with the rich brain supplement ability, the high-energy bullet screen has been wave after wave:

"boss, i answered for him, he is not hard at all, please be sure to stay up late tonight and work overtime!!"

"why do you want to support yourself? waist also overtime? "@sheng mingzhi, it's too late to admit that you are a protruding disc around your waist."

"hopefully next time i understand something in seconds is high number (lighting a cigarette)"


because sheng mingzhi forgot about this oolong event of live broadcasting, it directly filled the variety effect of the entire program.

therefore, the popularity of the live broadcast room has also changed from the original second to the first fault.

the marketing number carried the video recording of sheng mingzhi's morning trick lai refused to get up to weibo.

it didn't take long for it to turn around.

under the forwarding of marketing numbers and netizens who eat melons, soon sheng mingzhi's name was on the first place in the hot search of the entertainment list.

with the second "those years" first live one after the other.

sina entertainment also took a decent headline as a morning entertainment news feed:

@sina entertainment: sheng ming zhi taisha died! recording a variety show forgot to be live, revealing the real state of getting up, and the plain face turned out to be like this...

when it was pushed into sheng mingzhi's mobile phone, it was already half an hour later.

with the experience and lessons of the morning, sheng mingzhi's next move was extremely cautious, resolutely not letting netizens catch any handle.

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