chapter 4: teacher xiaosheng

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"—I respect the old and love the young now, can't I?"

Two days had passed since Lu Jiayan's return to China, and Sheng Mingzhi could still imitate the yin and yang strange qi of this sentence.

Shen Ling was wrapped in a bathrobe and carrying juice, almost cracking the mask on her face.

The private mansion where the membership system is not open to the outside world is elegant and chic, and it is also quiet, and now it is all surrounded by Shen Ling's demonic laughter.

Fortunately, the box sound insulation was good, but the two massage ladies were quietly startled.

"Is he sick?" Sheng Mingzhi was not relieved, and said, "Do you have to be so yin and yang weird when you speak?" He also deliberately recognized Sheng Xue as me, and the chicken intestines were not as small as his heart. As soon as he

complained, Sheng Mingzhi began to turn over the old accounts.

I couldn't help but think of Lu Jiayan's previous crime of going abroad without saying a word three years ago, and he had just done such a lack of morality after getting married, which was simply stomping his shengming childish face on the ground and beating him.

Do you want to find him another news broadcast report yourself, so as to tell the people of the whole country that he is worthless in the Lu family?

Seeing that Sheng Mingzhi was getting angrier and angrier, shen Ling's original sentence to his mouth, "It's not that you first confessed your husband's mistake" was swallowed back.

The Grand Young Master was not easy to mess with, and the angry Grand Young Master was even more difficult to deal with.

Those who follow the other prosper, and those who oppose the other perish.

Shen Ling took off the mask and patted her cheek, "Okay, don't be angry." Isn't it what you said, anger will wrinkle, it's not worth getting angry about Internet trolls, it's worth getting angry about your cheap husband? <

This sentence actually recalled Sheng Ming's innocence, and he slightly eased his face and reluctantly put his eyes on the wall-mounted TV in front of him to divert his attention.

Unfortunately, the tv randomly played the movie that Qiao Yan won the award for.

Sheng Mingzhi "sighed" and changed the stage irritably, and as a result, he jumped to the web drama he shot with Huo Yuzhe half a year ago.


Does this broken TV have a vendetta against itself?

"Hey, look at Huo Yuzhe." Shen Ling suddenly sat up straight.

"See, the eyes are not blind." Sheng Ming frowned and turned off the TV forcefully: "Seeing is pure."

"It's not." Shen Ling bumped his arm and raised his chin slightly: "You look outside, is it Huo Yuzhe who came in?"

Sheng Ming was stunned, and with Shen Ling's line of sight, he crossed the screen of the yellow pear carving, and the two people who had given alms in the corridor were faintly visible.

A man and a woman, the tall man is Huo Yuzhe Yes, the woman who walks with him looks more than forty years old, born a little plump, mature temperament, holding Huo Yuzhe's arm, the posture is intimate.

This middle-aged woman Sheng Mingzhi and Shen Ling both know each other, and recently she has also been on the hot search.

The top executive of Tianyang Entertainment is also the director of "Starlight Shine", which is a popular variety show that Huo Yuzhe recently participated in.

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